Originalmente postado no Loronix em 04 de outubro 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.
Hello, good evening! A friend that left his nick with a nice comment sent this album. However, he did not leave and email and I don’t know if he wants to be identified with the alias he uses. He sent a really nice contribution, the third on the new FLAC format, featuring a very important artist that never had a chance to be introduced to our community, the Brazilian pianist Arthur Moreira Lima. Let’s see.
This is Arthur Moreira Lima – Arthur Moreira Lima Plays Tangos & Waltzes of Ernesto Nazareth (1982), for Intersound, recorded September 13-15, 1982, at the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters on the Steinway CD 372 piano.

His works in the field of popular music includes his association with Paulo Moura, Elomar, Heraldo do Monte, Conjunto Epoca de Ouro, Ney Matogrosso, Rafael Rabello and Ernesto Nazareth, which is a very popular Brazilian composer that had a profound influence on the course of Brazilian music, such like Heitor Villa Lobos. I urge Loronixers to send feedback on this anthological record where once again classical music meets popular music.
Tracks include:
01 – Odeon (Ernesto Nazareth)
02 – Escorregando (Ernesto Nazareth)
03 – Duvidoso (Ernesto Nazareth)
04 – Eponina (Ernesto Nazareth)
05 – Batuque (Ernesto Nazareth)
06 – Fon-Fon (Ernesto Nazareth)
07 – Confidencias (Ernesto Nazareth)
08 – Famoso (Ernesto Nazareth)
09 – Mercedes (Ernesto Nazareth)
10 – Vem Ca, Branquinha (Ernesto Nazareth)
11 – Apanhei-te, Cavaquinho (Ernesto Nazareth)
12 – Brejeiro (Ernesto Nazareth)
13 – Bambino (Ernesto Nazareth)
14 – Sarambeque (Ernesto Nazareth)
15 – Carioca (Ernesto Nazareth)
7 Comentários originais:
adhoc said…
This album was recorded in New York in 1982, following (or during) a concert at the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. It’s not the Marcus Pereira recording of 1977.
I forgot to send you my email when I dropped this post in your big box. I’ll do it with the next one.
Thursday, 04 October, 2007
Anonymous said…
Excellent post, please put up more LPs like this! (instrumental/choro/Brazilian classical)
Thank you
Friday, 05 October, 2007
cvllos said…
Zeca, grande escolha! Parabens! Mudando de assunto: essa pagina está apresentando um problema frequente,no local do nome do 1o comentarista: letras se sobrepoem e nao dá pra ler o nome do mesmo.
Friday, 05 October, 2007
AdHoc said…
For those who liked this stuff, just a reminder that there’s more of it. Arthur Moreira Lima also recorded two double Lps for “Discos Marcus Pereira” label in 1975 and 1977 with 49 piano pieces of Ernesto Nazareth. They were later released as 4 individual CDs that are rare, but still can be found at Amazon or CD Point (Arthur Moreira Lima interpreta Ernesto Nazareth vol 1-4). To say that Moreira Lima’s playing and these recordings are amazing is an understatement. They’re “desert island list” and “best of bests, anytime, anywhere, any-kind-of music” items. Nazareth’s pieces, specially the “tangos” (nowadays we would call them “choros”), are Chopin meets Africa (via habaneras), and are absolutely essential for understanding the roots of Brazilian music. Nazareth wrote some 200 piano pieces (tangos, waltzes, polkas, mazurkas…; see complete list here:http://www.chiquinhagonzaga.com/nazareth/). Sadly, the large majority of these pieces have never, ever been recorded. I still hope that Moreira Lima will come back to this music, recording all of it in the original piano piece form as published by Nazareth himself. My second best hope is that a young and talented pianist in Brazil (there are many) gives it a try, para o bem de todos e a felicidade geral da nação. Hey, people at Biscoito Fino, Trama and Kuarup Records, what are you waiting for?
Friday, 05 October, 2007
Alexandre Dias said…
Dear adhoc,
You said “Sadly, the large majority of these pieces have never, ever been recorded. “. I’d like to take the chance and tell you (and everyone) of the series I’m recording focusing Ernesto Nazareth’ rare pieces. We’re at the 29th consecutive week, and virtually all of the pieces had never been recorded on its original piano solo version.http://www.sovacodecobra.com.br/2007/03/ernesto-nazareth-inedito/
Alexandre Dias
Saturday, 06 October, 2007
AdHoc said…
Caro Alexandre Dias,
Muitíssimo obrigado pela indicação do sovaco de cobra.
Que bela iniciativa a gravação da obra de Ernesto Nazareth; forma e conteúdo primorosos.
Espero que você consiga comercializar ou tornar disponíveis essas gravações em um formato sem compressão. Elas merecem ser divulgadas com a melhor qualidade de som possível.
Um grande abraço de seu mais novo freguês de caderno.
Saturday, 06 October, 2007
Anonymous said…
Ai Zeca, uma vez mais muito, muito agradecida. De não ter sido por seu link de os Choros, o título de este post não teria chamada minha atenção nem estivesse desfrutando de esta preciosidade de música. Brasil é muito mais que somente Samba e Bossa Nova e os brasileiros tudos deveriam sentirse muito, muito orgulhosos de tão amplia e bela riqueza cultural e musical que vocês tem. Quis dizer esto com grande respeito e carinho e espero que assim seja entendido.
Sem importar quantas vezes eu agradeça a quem tenha que agradecer, sempre estarei em dívida. Abraços,
Monday, 16 June, 2008
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