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I think my Sergio Mendes education is over with the release of this brand new contribution from Caetano Rodrigues, or at least "phase one" education has gone to a term. A couple of days before I understood my worries about Sergio Mendes, blame it on the Arara album with a Macaw at the cover with the wings clipped on a way I never saw before. Who knows later I show you this album, widely unknown Sergio Mendes LP.
This is Sergio Mendes - Sergio Mendes' Favorite Things (1967), for Atlantic. I decided to do not make any kind of research about Favorite Things and based on I heard this is another "transitional" Sergio Mendes album from the Bossa Nova oriented years to the late more "commercial" Sergio Mendes. The Favorite Things title suggests a compilation; anyway, Caetano should bring more clarification tomorrow when I reach him by phone, although I'm sure I will wake up with several comments waiting for approval.
Tracks include:
01 - My Favorite Things(R. Rodgers / O. Hammerstein II)
02 - Tempo Feliz (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
03 - Ponteio (Edu Lobo / Capinan)
04 - Veleiro (Edu Lobo / Torquato Neto)
05 - A Banda (Chico Buarque)
06 - I Say a Little Prayer (Burt Bacharach / H. David)
07 - Comin' Home Baby (B. Tucker / B. Dorough)
08 - Boa Palavra (Caetano Veloso)
09 - O Mar É Meu Chão (Dori Caymmi / Nelson Motta)
10 - So What's New (J. Pisano)
7 Reply to "Sergio Mendes - Sergio Mendes' Favorite Things (1967)"
g picanco on Thursday, 17 May, 2007
É o desperdício do talento de um grande pianista.
Cheio de altos e baixos.
Poderia ser um senhor album.
Tem temas belíssimos que poderiam ser menos mal tratados como Veleiro, O Mar É Meu Chão e mesmo Ponteio.
Por que esse rítmo sem nacionalidade?
É a Roda Viva...
Anonymous on Thursday, 17 May, 2007
WHOOOHOOO...really nice. Thanx from Cologne,
Anonymous on Thursday, 17 May, 2007
holycownyc on Thursday, 17 May, 2007
I love this album. I own the original vinyl. Very groovy arrangements!
Cisalpino on Friday, 18 May, 2007
A friend asked sometime ago at the Cbox about a brazilian version of this magnificent standard "My favorite things" remembering the definitive version made by Coltrane. I became interest on that, I love this song, especially Coltrane one, and had never listened a brazilian version. When I saw Mendes assuming the responsability of recording it I became really interested on that. What a great surprise I had, excellent version made by the great Sergio Mendes.
Refer on Saturday, 19 May, 2007
Cisalpino, versão brasileira de ‘My Favorite Things’ que me ocorre é a de Moacir Franco (“As Coisas Que Eu Gosto”) — não sei se pra você está valendo...
Ninguém me perguntou, mas devo dizer que a versão que mais gosto é a do We Five, com vocal de Beverly Bivens.
Anonymous on Sunday, 01 March, 2009
Un comentario anterior dice que es un desperdicio de talento, que por que esos ritmos sin nacionalidad de ciertas canciones.
Opino diferente, gracias a Sergio Mendes pude adentrarme en la música brasileña, los que no me gustan son los que son muy "agringados", sin embargo gracias a él pude conocer a Jorge Ben, Gilberto Gil o Tom Jobin, para despues seguir por este viaje que todabía no ha terminado y que comenzo 35 años atras.
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