Neste blog muita informação sobre a história da Bossa Nova.
Acesso direto às publicaçòes no Rádio Forma & Elenco sobre:

Wilson Simonal, - Maysa, - António Carlos Jobim, - Tuca

Zecalouro, - Elis Regina , - Dick Farney , - Zito Righi

quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012

Gaucho e Seu Conjunto - Rio.. Madrugada e Amor (1958)


Originalmente postado no Loronix em 18 de julho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Hello, Good Evening! I never saw such excitement we are having yesterday with the last Luiz Eca with Bill Evans post. An anonymous friend said this tape should be released on CD and made worldwide. Perhaps today we don’t need new music since the listening pleasure of everybody is guaranteed for a long time. So far, the music was downloaded 245 times, really above the average and this counter increases every minute.

Anyway, the show must go on, so let’s start today making something that I like very much, the first post of an artist never released before at Loronix.
This is Gaucho e Seu Conjunto – Rio… Madrugada e Amor (1958), for RGE. I could not track who is Gaucho among several artists with the same name. As far as I know, Gaucho was an active accordion player that recorded more than ten albums from the 50′s to the early 60′s. This is his second LP and the first recorded for RGE. Rio… Madrugada e Amor has Gaucho his conjunto, with no identified members playing bass, piano, drums and percussion. Nice and delicious to hear album by this Brazilian accordion player.

Tracks include:

01 – Maladie D’amour (H. Salvador / Lanjean)
02 – Final (Paul Misraki / B. Molar)
03 – Mienteme (A. Dominguez)
04 – You do Something To Me (Cole Porter)
05 – Que Reste T’il de nos Amours (Charles Trenet)
06 – Tudo É Ilusão (Waldir Finotti / Nelson T. Paiva)
07 – Você Passou (Nazareno de Brito / Alcyr Pires Vermelho)
08 – Maria dos Meus Pecados (Jair Amorim / Dunga)
09 – Mulatinho (Nestor Campos)
10 – Rosa do Mato (Sergio Ricardo / Geraldo Serafim)
11 – Vem Meu Amor (Rubem Gerardi / Oldemar Magalhães)
12 – Cansei de Ilusões (Tito Madi)

01 Comentários originais:

Anonymous on Tuesday, 24 July, 2007Adorei!!!!
Aurea Ribeiro.


quarta-feira, 30 de maio de 2012

Bil Bell – Rosa Morena | Sambas que Nao Se Esquece (1970)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 17 de julho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Here we go on another Caetano Rodrigues contribution, showing this time a new artist to Loronixers, which is probably a well-known artist using a fake name to record on another label bypassing his contract obligations. This mysterious artist uses the name of Bil Bell or Bil Bel varying on each album recorded. Let’s see.

This is Bil Bell – Rosa Morena | Sambas que Não Se Esquecem (1970), for Tropicana. Tropicana is Columbia subsidiary that recorded some nice albums such as Samba 5 – Moderninho (1970) and the fantastic Bwana Trio – Bwana Trio (no date), both available at Loronix. Bil Bell is a sax player and he delivers instrumental renditions of Samba standards.

Tracks include:

01 – Teleco
02 – Faceira
03 – Lá Vem a Baiana
04 – Apito no Samba
05 – Meditação
06 – Samba de Uma Nota Só
07 – Se Acaso Você Chegasse
08 – Rosa Morena
09 – É Luxo Só
10 – Chega de Saudade
11 – Desafinado
12 – Menina Moça

02 Comentários originais:

bossanovadreamer on Thursday, 19 July, 2007
Zeca , Caetano- this is simply fantastic.I am just thinking about who is Bill Bell ? Hector Costita could be possible to be.I think I heard some songs on an album in the past but i don`’t know where but perhaps I am wrong because I am not on my highest level at moment
Why Caetano makes so difficult puzzles (smile)
Thanks a lot
Best wishes

Anonymous on Sunday, 21 December, 2008
bill bell-rosa morena and os saxsambistas brasileiras-saxsambando are the same the way,zeca i’m just in love with ur site and ur personality..:)


Omar Izar – Quem Tem “Gaita” Faz Sucesso (1960) with Orquestra RGE

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 17 de julho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Hello, Good Evening! Loronix engineers are making extra hours today, some special posts are being prepared and I hope they make it timely. We will have really special posts today, starting with this one, which is the first album at Loronix by a truly legendary harmonica player, cousin of a Loronixer.

This is Omar Izar – Quem tem Gaita faz Sucesso (1960), for RGE. Thanks Carlos Braga, JustBeto and all the folks from Quadradinho for point this extraordinary musician. Omar Izar had an important role in the development of Brazilian harmonica playing. Carlos Braga says that Mauricio Einhorn – a true genius of harmonica and one of the top musicians ever in history – decided to play harmonica hearing Omar Izar. I’m really glad on making this post and also proud of the work made by Carlos Braga and JustBeto, which is Omar Izar cousin. Carlos Braga prepared today a piece of text showing his passion to this fantastic instrument. I’m making the beginning of his text available here and you can get the complete Carlos Braga writing inside the music or thought a series of small posts at Quadradinho.

Tracks include:

Carlos Braga writing:
“Minha paixão pela harmônica-de-boca (ou gaita, ou ainda, segundo o Rildo Hora, realejo, começou lá nos anos 50. Meu pai me levou ao auditório da Rádio Nacional para assistir o EDU DA GAITA, com a orquestra do maestro RADAMES GNATALLIno programa ‘UM MILHÃO DE MELODIAS’. O homem solou simplesmente o complicadíssimo ‘VÔO DO BESOURO’ do Rimsky-Korsakow. Naquela época a gaita era muito mais popular e divulgada do que hoje. Nos USA havia grandes solistas e conjuntos de gaita (trios, quartetos, etc.). Eu tenho uma gravação da RHAPSODY IN BLUE (Gershwin) com o gaitista inglês LARRY ADLER e orquestra sinfonica regida peloGEORGE MARTIN (Beatles) – muito boa, mas não chega nem perto do que vi/ouvi com o mitológico EDU DA GAITA.
Muitos anos mais tarde, quando tive a dádiva DIVINA de conhecer e me tornar amigo do MAURICIO EINHORN, ele me falou que sua paixão pela gaita se concretizou ao ouvir o gaitista OMAR IZAR. Como o mundo é pequeno e o LORONIX é enorme, o grande OMAR é primo do nosso JUSTBETO, que vai falar sobre ele daqui há pouquinho… (…)” continued…

Track List:

01 – Noite Cheia de Estrelas (Cândido das Neves “Índio”)
02 – Chora a Tua Tristeza (Oscar Castro Neves / Luvercy Fiorini)
03 – Theme From a Summer Place (M. Steiner)
04 – Noite Chuvosa (João Leal Brito ”Britinho” / Fernando César)
05 – Alguém Me Disse (Jair Amorim / Evaldo Gouveia)
06 – Guarda Che Luna (Malgoni / Elgos)
07 – O Menino Desce o Morro (Vera Brasil / De Rosa)
08 – Pretty Blue Eyes (Randazzo / Weinstein)
09 – I’ll Never Fall In Love Again (J. Ray)
10 – Lago dos Cisnes (Tchaikovsky)
11 – Nuestro Juramento (Benito de Jesus)
12 – Sem Ninguém (Omar Izar)

PS.: Era bastante comum utilizar a palavra “gaita” como referência ao dinheiro, tal como a atual “grana”, “bufunfa” e o bem recente “dim-dim”. Isso explica o “Gaita” entre aspas na capa do álbum, uma brincadeira de duplo sentido.

05 Comentários originais:

jcbeltrao on Tuesday, 17 July, 2007
É legal explicar pros mais novos que “gaita” era na época uma giria usada com o significado de “dinheiro”.
Daí o trocadilho do titulo do LP.

Refer on Tuesday, 17 July, 2007
Omar Izar foi um músico superpopular em SPaulo, famoso mesmo. Eu me lembro que ele se apresentava em todos os programas musicais da TV nos anos 50 e 60. Gaita e Omar Izar, numa certa época, foram sinônimos.

Jamil on Tuesday, 17 July, 2007
Depois de tanto papo de gaita no quadrado, tava mais do que na cara que saíria um poste assim Zeca meu velho você ta cantando as pedras, hehehehehehe.


Anonymous on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007Very nice – old albums like this one – once again: thank you!
/ Peter

Anonymous on Monday, 03 November, 2008
Omar Izar is a very important harmonica player and composer. The album referred is very old. he is playing too much more. He is in artistic activity and if you want to hear him, there is a place, his own place, where you have a chance to hear him and other good musicians.spizar8@hotmail,com


terça-feira, 29 de maio de 2012

Luiz Eca & Bill Evans - Ao Vivo no Chiko's Bar (1980) K7 Tape

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 17 de julho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Finally arrived. It is everything I was wondering to be. You don't need to clean your glasses or check if your monitor is having problems, what you read is what you will hear, Luiz Eca and Bill Evans performing together at Chiko's Bar, Rio de Janeiro, 1980.

This is Luiz Eça & Bill Evans - Ao Vivo no Chiko's Bar (1980), for Loronix. I never heard about Bill Evans in Brazil and I have to say many thanks to JustBeto for making his K-7 tape available and Luiz Harding for the excellent remastering to digital format. The tape features an hour of music, including the guest appearance of Leny Andrade, singing Wave and some other nice things, such as Luiz Eca and Bill Evans talking to each other and some Eca improvisations using the acute keys of the piano.

JustBeto said to do not separate tracks to provide the full experience, but I decided to split the concert in 14 tracks with the whole concert. Applauses, conversations and piano improvisations are in the end of each track and the splits did not left a second of music out. Anyway, thanks JustBeto and Luiz. Some tracks were identified by the parrot in charge of this website, but I decided to take no risks making available the 14 tracks with no names.

Tracks (titles as given in the comments):

1.Noelle's Theme
2. ?
3.Who can I turn to
4.Letter to Evan
7.Wave (Leny Andrade, Eca and Marc)
8.Hermeto Paschoal Theme (?)
9.Letter to Evan and ?
11.Bill's hit tune
13.Stella by starlight
14.E nada mais...

25 Reply to "Luiz Eca & Bill Evans - Ao Vivo no Chiko's Bar (1980) K7 Tape"

Joe on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

I've heard about this tape for years but never HEARD it. Many thanks to JustBeto and Zecalouco and all the engineers who worked hard to amke this happen.
Joe Carter

Joe on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

and also thanks to Luiz Harding, sorry.
Joe C.
PS - now there is another legendary tape I've heard about --- Lee Konitz with the Zimbo Trio. Perhaps this is in the vault somewhere????????????

zecalouro on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
Your desire is always taken as an order here. I will urge people for hunting Knonitz / Zimbo tape.
We cannot let you down, magnificence.
Your servant,

cvllos on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
Zeca, que close dos teclados! A capa ficou legal! Devo um agradecimento ao Beto, disponibilizando esse registro, e às habilidades do Luiz Harding no tratamento da fita. E à proposito..lembra, Zeca, que "la Vaughan" cá esteve e bateu altos papos com nossa magnifica Elizeth??? Pois é...Será que nao fizeram duetos????

Jim R on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

I'm looking forward to hearing this recording... but first I will have to find a way to stop laughing, thanks to zecalouro's response to His Eminence.

Anonymous on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
you're "the man"!

Hideste on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

Noooossssaaaa, Zeca, esse post é de arrepiar !! Há alguns anos, li no jornal que essa gravação seria lançada em cedê, mas virou lenda. Só o Loronix mesmo, cara que golaço !
Parabéns a vc, JustBeto e Luiz Harding. Nem sei mais o q dizer...

Matthew on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

I can't find this session in any of the online Bill Evans discographies. Does anyone have any more specific info with regard to its provenance, personnel, date(s), and song titles?
- Matthew

Cisalpino on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
Amazing post, with those legendary recordings we will see Loronix always on the top. Congratulations. Thanks...

Anonymous on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
The record of the year! The gift of the year! Amazing! Thanks forever! (JC)

Luiz Roberto on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

Dear Matthew,
Bill Evans has been in Rio in '73,'76 and ' this time he has been to Chiko's Bar to meet his friend Luiz Eca...for this specific date you can hear Marc Johnson on bass...and the songs are as follows...
1.Noelle's Theme
2. ?
3.Who can I turn to
4.Letter to Evan
7.Wave (Leny Andrade, Eca and Marc)
8.Hermeto Paschoal Theme (?)
9.Letter to Evan and ?
11.Bill's hit tune
13.Stella by starlight
14.E nada mais...

hope to have helped a little...
all the best, Luiz Roberto.

JustBeto on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
Actually, the song in track 6 is TTTT - Twelve Tone Type Tune, track 7 features Leny Andrade, Cidinho and Marc Johnson. Cidinho is also on track 8, Chorinho Pra Ele. On track 14, E Nada Mais is played by Luiz Eça and Cidinho, 4 hands piano. This tape as far as I know was never commercially released.

JustBeto on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
Very probably, the date of this jam session is 29Sep1979, Saturday, right after Bill's concert at Sala Cecilia Meirelles, where he played with Marc Jonhsos and Joe La Barbera.

eldo-pop on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

Caro Loronix.
Fantástica apresentação, com uma ótima qualidade técnica do som. Estas gravações absolutamente ao vivo são estupendas, pois capturam a interpretação com a emoção do momento. Nada de mixagem de estúdio "quebrando" o encanto do som.
Parabéns e obrigado.
P.S.: Quando tiveres um tempo, poderás me ouvir tocando violão e guitarra em

Luiz Roberto on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

Hi JustBeto,
in fact, track 6 is really "Five" and not "TTTT", Twelve Tone Tune can confirm that listening to track 6 at Chiko's Bar and track 5 ("Five") from Bill Evans CD "We wiil meet again"...if you own the Bill Evans CD "The Tokyo Concert", you will notice the track 6 ("TTTT") that is absolutely diverse from the song played at Chiko's Bar...
perhaps you can help, discovering the name of track 2, appearing as well as a following at track 9, after the song Letter to Evan...
thanks and best regards from Luiz Roberto.

JustBeto on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
Thank you, Luiz Roberto, for your correction. I will try to find the name of track 2 song. Regards.

fent99 on Thursday, 19 July, 2007

Truly a gem never seen or heard of before
Related comment here

matthew on Thursday, 19 July, 2007

Thanks to all who replied so thoroughly to my questions. Great music!
- Matthew

ALTAMIRA on Thursday, 19 July, 2007

Anonymous on Saturday, 21 July, 2007Q disco é esse!
Coisa fina, finíssima!

frunobulax on Monday, 03 December, 2007

Houba Houba, it's the scream of Marsupilami (a french comics...)
Parabens !!!
I don't even know the existence of this concert, wonderful surprise...
I've discovered your blog the last weeks, i'm a big fan of musica brasileira and of Bill Evans, too.
Muito obrigado e grande abraços pra Loronix familia .
Patrick (frança)

Anonymous on Wednesday, 10 June, 2009
Respect to the unidentified theme after "Letter to Evan" - Bill Evans played some days before in Rosario, Argentina; he played this tune and it's been impossible to pin - Maybe he was experimenting with a new composition. Frasco.

Anonymous on Friday, 26 June, 2009

nardis33 on Tuesday, 11 August, 2009

Thank you very much!
I'm BE fan and collector and looking for new unknown recordings.
Enjoy the music.

Anonymous on Monday, 09 November, 200
Uaauuuuuu, é demais!!
thanks a TON and the biggest abraço for this rarity,


segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012

Zimbo Trio – Zimbo Trio Vol. 2 (1965)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 21 de julho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

I took a time today to visit the beach facilities of Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro. They made a great work on assembling an infrastructure down here; the place is clean, secure and really beautiful. However, there is an exception, the music. We should admit, in the past, the offer was really better. We did not have iPods, CDs, etc. but the music available was fantastic, take this album as an example: there was a time in Brazil that instrumental music, such as this one made by Zimbo Trio, was commercially successful.
I think this is the main reason for the average of 3,000 daily visits Loronix receives everyday. The music available here is truly amazing and this fantastic Caetano Rodrigues contribution is the perfect example.

This is Zimbo Trio – Zimbo Trio Vol. 2 (1965), for RGE, which is the second LP released by Zimbo Trio. There is no much to say about this album, a solid listen from the start until the end. Some friends even say that this one is better then their first album, the “red” one, already released at Loronix. Once again, use comments section to give feedback and also say if you feel the need to get it in looseless format.

Tracks include:

Hamilton de Godoy

Luiz Chaves

Rubinho Barsotti

Track List:

01 – Arrastão (Edu Lobo / Vinicius de Moraes)
02 – Balanço Zona Sul (Tito Madi)
03 – Zomba (Maria Helena Toledo / Luis Bonfá)
04 – Insolação (Adilson Godoy)
05 – Zimba (Tito)
06 – Reza (Ruy Guerra / Edu Lobo)
07 – Samba 40 Graus (Adilson Godoy)
08 – Garota de Charme (Maria Helena Toledo / Luis Bonfá)
09 – Vai de Vez (Luis Fernando Freire / Roberto Menescal)
10 – Balada de Um Sonho Meu (Amilton Godoy)
11 – O Rei Triste (Luis Chaves)
12 – Aleluia (Ruy Guerra / Edu Lobo)

07 Comentários originais:

Luiz on Monday, 16 July, 2000
Grande Zeca. Mais um do fantástico Zimbo Trio. Obrigado

zamurozien on Monday, 16 July, 2007
I think this is the main reason for the average of 3,000 daily visits Loronix receives everyday”
You are absolutely right. I sometimes listen to some music in my car radio, and 99% is crap. The same vulgar, commercial and uninspired musical schemes, repeated until you get sic. Music to be sold and, in less than a year, forgotten in the darkness of the time.
And we are here listening to music made 40, 50, 60 years ago! (when the majority of us where “in the Limbo” waiting to be born). That speaks a lot about its quality.
But not only the music is great at Loronix. We find here personal references, history, culture, … which help to correctly frame this music in the context in which it was created, and allow us to enjoy it even more.
One example. I had never heard anything about Zimbo Trio, Tamba Trio, Quarteto Em Zy, MPB-4, Nara Leão, Dorival Caymmi, Edú Lobo, Carlos Lyra … until you post their LPs here, last year. And now their music is the one that I hear the most, and also I know something about their lives, their feelings, …
There you are the secret of the success of Loronix.Thanks a lot, Zeca, Caetano and the rest of Loronixers whose contributions to Loronix make very special this moment of the day in which we open the web browser to watch “what surprises has delivered today Zeca at Loronix”.

tolas on Monday, 16 July, 2007
Hi, I think that all of this fantastic music should be compressed in lossless format. Most people who visit this site have fairly speed connection.

Luiz on Monday, 16 July, 2007
Zeca, acho que as palavras do zamurozien são exatamente aquelas que nós brasileiros, gostariamos de ler. Mais uma vez parabéns, Zeca e Caetano pelo maravilhoso trabalho de divulgação da MPBB (Musica Popular Brasileira Boa).

Jorge Noujaim on Monday, 16 July, 2007
Muito bom Zeca. Obrigado por compartilhar essas joias raras. E que capa hein!!! e com direito a imagen em alta, este nao eh um projeto de resgate soh da musica mas tamben do Design de albuns brasileiros.
um grande abraco,

Pereirão on Friday, 20 July, 2007
Tenho ouvido seus post e acho,sinceramente, que vc está abusando do direito de postar música de ótima qualidade.
Grande abraço.

AdHoc on Sunday, 20 April, 2008
Esse LP merece um upgrade prioritário em flac. Acho que é um dos melhores do Zimbo Trio, nunca foi lançado em CD, e a qualidade desse mp3 é bem inferior à média do Loronix. Um obrigado antecipado.


domingo, 27 de maio de 2012

Tamba Trio - Tamba Trio Classics (1997)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 15 de julho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

The last Joao Gilberto – The Legendary Joao Gilberto (1988), featuring three albums had a tremendous response from Loronixers. I have to admit, I did not expect much of it and perhaps will be the most downloaded of this month. That’s why I decided to make this one in the same style, featuring another Bossa Nova icon, Tamba Trio, one of the most acclaimed Brazilian Trios from the 60′s.

This is Tamba Trio – Tamba Trio Classics (1997), for Polygram, featuring 28 remastered Tamba Trio songs taken from their first four albums for Philips. I could not associate each song with these first four albums, so I decided to keep the original Tamba Trio Classics order. This is for beginners and Tamba Trio aficionados.

Tracks include:

01. Desafinado (Tom Jobim / Newton Mendonça)
02. Consolação (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
03. Garota De Ipanema (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
04. Mas Que Nada (Jorge Ben “Jorge Benjor”)
05. Sonho De Maria (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sergio Valle)
06. Só Danço Samba (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
07. O Barquinho (Roberto Menescal / Ronaldo Bôscoli)
08. Infuência Do Jazz (Carlos Lyra)
09. Reza (Edu Lobo / Ruy Guerra)
10. O Morro Não Tem Vez (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
11. Batida Diferente (Durval Ferreira / Maurício Einhorn)
12. O Samba Da Minha Terra (Dorival Caymmi)
13. Nós E O Mar (Roberto Menescal / Ronaldo Bôscoli)
14. Batucada (Murilo A. Pessoa)
15. Tristeza De Nós Dois (Durval Ferreira / Bebeto / Maurício Einhorn)
16. Procissão (Gilberto Gil)
17. Minha (Francis Hime / Ruy Guerra)
18. Berimbau (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
19. Moça Flor (Durval Ferreira / Luis Fernando Freire)
20. Quem Me Dera (Caetano Veloso)
21. Água De Beber (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
22. Canção Do Nosso Amor (Silveira / Dalto)
23. Corcovado (Tom Jobim)
24. Imagem (Luis Eça / Aloysio de Oliveira)
25. O Amor Que Acabou (Chico Feitosa / Luis Fernando Freire)
26. Nuvens (Durval Ferreira / Maurício Einhorn)
27. Tamba (Luis Eça)
28. Rio (Roberto Menescal / Ronaldo Bôscoli)

1 Comentários originais:

Anonymous on Monday, 16 July, 2007
Fantastic collection. Thanks Zeca!


Vadico – Evocacao III (1979

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 14 de julho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

This is a tribute to one of the most underrated and forgotten artists in Brazil. Make an exercise right now and try to answer a simple question: “Who is Vadico?” Probably, just a small group of friends would make it by heart. I’m quite sure Vadico is widely unknown outside and even inside Brazil. Vadico is the longtime composer partner of Noel Rosa, one of the most interesting composer partnerships of Brazilian popular music. Their first composition is the legendary Feitio de Oracao, created in 1932, the second was, believe me, Feitico da Vila. Since these first two masterpieces, they made together hundreds of legendary compositions. I’m sharing a tribute album to Vadico, recorded in 1979 by a constellation of Brazilian musicians.

This is Vadico – Evocacao III (1979), for Eldorado, a tribute to Vadico. In spite of his series of compositions with Noel Rosa, Vadico was also a gifted musician, playing piano and leading orchestras. Vadico had also an international experience as member of several American orchestras and as pianist of o Bando da Lua, Carmen Miranda accompaniment group, taking part in several movies in the 40′s. There is also an interesting story about Vadico, he was the first Vinicius de Moraes choice to be responsible for the soundtrack of Orfeu da Conceicao, but Vadico took a lot of time to accept the offer and Vinicius decided another name, Antonio Carlos Jobim.

Tracks include:


Marcio Montarroyos
Raul de Barros
Amilton Godoy
Roberto Sion
Edu da Gaita
Heraldo do Monte

Track List:

01 – Feitio de Oração (Vadico / Noel Rosa) – Márcio Montarroyos
02 – Prece (Vadico / Marino Pinto) – Dominguinhos
03 – Nego (Vadico / Marino Pinto) – Raul de Barros
04 – Choro Em Fá Menor (Vadico) – Amilton Godoy
05 – Pra Que Mentir (Vadico / Noel Rosa) – Roberto Sion
06 – Sempre a Esperar (Vadico / Vinicius de Moraes) – Raul de Barros
07 – Feitiço da Vila (Vadico / Noel Rosa) – Edu da Gaita
08 – Julgamento (Vadico / Marino Pinto) – Márcio Montarroyos
09 – Chopp (Vadico) – Amilton Godoy
10 – Guanabara (Vadico / Aloysio de Oliveira) – Roberto Sion
11 – Só Pode Ser Você (Vadico / Noel Rosa) – Dominguinhos
12 – Conversa de Botequim (Vadico / Noel Rosa) – Heraldo do Monte

Existe uma segunda versão da capa, que segue abaixo:

0 Comentários originais.


sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2012

Dick Farney e Seu Trio – Dick Farney no Waldorf (1960)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 13 de julho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

I know several fans of Dick Farney and this post is dedicated to all of them, but there is a special one, a Loronixer, that I want to mention, which is cvllos. If Dick Farney fans decide to name a leader, cvllos would be the one. I know very well the modus operandi of a fan and I’m wondering cvllos surprise in the morning when opening Loronix with this wonderful and very hard to find Dick Farney album, which is my choice for the last post today.

This is Dick Farney e Seu Trio – Dick Farney no Waldorf (1960), for Odeon. I’m only a little bit disappointed with this cover artwork, on my dreams, this cover had a beautiful photo of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in the night with lights and the name of Dick Farney on yellow. In the other hand, the music is much better than the soundtrack of my dreams with Dick Farney performing a repertoire based on the songs he played during one-year season at Waldorf Astoria, 1957. Dick Farney Trio members were not credited.

Tracks include:

01 – These Foolish Things (J. Strachey)
02 – Jeepers Creepers (H. Warren / J. Mercer)
03 – Over The Rainbow (Harold Arlen / E. Y. Harburg)
04 – All Of Me (S. Simons / G. Marks)
05 – You Took Advantage Of Me (R. Rodgers / L. Hart)
06 – You Stepped Out Of a Dream (G. Kahn / N. H. Brown)
07 – Moonlight Becames You (V. Heusen / J. Burke)
08 – Lullaby Of Birdland (G. Shearing / B. Y. Forster)
09 – Waldorf Blues (Dick Farney)
10 – Não Tem Solução (Dorival Caymmi / Carlos Guinle)

3 comentários originais.

cvllos on Friday, 13 July, 2007Zeca, pequeno reparo: nao foi “in the morning” mas às 2:45! Repito, vc e Caetano que têm nos proporcionado tantas alegrias, ao recuperar obras musicais inacessiveis merecem uma homenagem pública por esse trabalho de resgate. Nao tenho, simplesmente, palavras para lhes agradecer.

cvllos on Friday, 13 July, 2007Gente, pela manhã, outro de meus Mestres, Mestre Llulla, Luiz Carlos Antunes informou-me dos componentes do trio: Mario Augusto, Baixo, e Cláudio Slom na bateria.

Kléssius Leão on Friday, 13 July, 2007
Perguntinha para pensar: será que o super Cole Porter viu esse show? Durante muito tempo, ele morou no Waldorf, um dos hotéis mais luxuosos de NY.


American Dancing Quartet – My Reverie (1959)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 13 de julho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

I have been showing this album to several fans of Moacyr Silva and the feedback received was good, with no exception. There is a reason for showing it to Moacyr Silva fans on this “test drive”, American Dancing Quartet is supposed to be Moacyr Silva Quartet, although personnel is not credited. This was the second question of the “test drive” and just one friend said no. Anyway, now we can make it to Loronix community, which I urge to use comments to give feedback.

This is American Dancing Quartet – My Reverie (1959), for Prestige. I think only Moacyr Silva can guarantee his participation on My Reverie, unfortunately, he passed away in 2002. My Reverie brings a repertoire with America standards, featuring a quartet based on sax tenor, bass, piano and drums. It is delicious to hear and very well played by the mysterious American Dancing Quartet. Do not let the Dancing title cheats you, this is 100% Jazz music.

Tracks include:

01 – Sleepy Lagoon (J. Lawrence / E. Coates)
02 – On The Sunny Side Of The Street (D. Fields / J. McHugh)
03 – My Reverie (L. Clinton)
04 – I Cried For You (A. Freed / G. Arnheim / A. Lyman)
05 – Whispering (J. Schonberger / R. Coburn / V. Rose)
06 – Blue Moon (L. Hart / R. Rodgers)
07 – I Only Have Eyes For You (A. Dubin / H. Warren)
08 – Stardust (H. Carmichael / M. Parish)
09 – Jeepers Creepers (J. Mercer / H. Warren)
10 – Time On My Hands (V. Youmans / H. Adamson / M. Gordon)
11 – Sweet Sue Just You (W. J. Harris / V. Young)
12 – As Time Goes By (H. Hupfeld

0 Reply to American Dancing Quartet – My Reverie (1959)


quarta-feira, 23 de maio de 2012

Breno Sauer Quarteto - 4 no Sucesso (1966)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em  11 de julho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

We had a very disturbed night today with Brazil soccer team playing an important came, IT problems, connection dropping several times. I was afraid of do not making this last post, which is the selection that will be on the first page during the whole day tomorrow. Anyway, Breno Sauer has been discussed by the friends of Quadradinho and also has several fans among Loronixers, we should stay in very good company with his last album as Breno Sauer Quarteto.

This is Breno Sauer Quarteto - 4 no Sucesso (1966), for Musidisc, which is Breno Sauer last release in Brazil before he moves to Mexico and US for a successful career that spans decades until today. 4 no Sucesso has global ambitions, bringing songs from Brazil, Italy, England, France and South Africa on top of instrumental Bossa Jazz delivered by Breno Sauer.

Tracks include:


Breno Sauer

Track List

01 - Michelle (John Lennon / Paul McCartney)
02 - Canto de Ossanha (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
03 - Ternura (Fomehow It Got To Be Tomorrow) (E. Levitt / K. Karen)
04 - Io Te Daro Di Piu (Alberto Testa / Memo Remigi)
05 - Aline (Cristophe)
06 - Les Marionettes (Cristophe)
07 - Ninguém Poderá Julgar-me (Nessuno Mi Puo' Giudicare) (P. Pace / Baretta / Del Preto)
08 - Apelo (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
09 - Tema de Laura (Maurice Jarre)
10 - Yesterday (John Lennon / Paul McCartney)
11 - Ça Serai Beau (R. Antony)
12 - Strangers In The Night (B. Kaempfert / Snyder / Singlenton)

1 Reply to "Breno Sauer Quarteto - 4 no Sucesso (1966)"

Anonymous on Friday, 27 July, 2007fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
