Neste blog muita informação sobre a história da Bossa Nova.
Acesso direto às publicaçòes no Rádio Forma & Elenco sobre:

Wilson Simonal, - Maysa, - António Carlos Jobim, - Tuca

Zecalouro, - Elis Regina , - Dick Farney , - Zito Righi

sábado, 31 de março de 2012

Sergio Mendes - Sergio Mendes' Favorite Things (1967)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 19 de maio 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

I think my Sergio Mendes education is over with the release of this brand new contribution from Caetano Rodrigues, or at least "phase one" education has gone to a term. A couple of days before I understood my worries about Sergio Mendes, blame it on the Arara album with a Macaw at the cover with the wings clipped on a way I never saw before. Who knows later I show you this album, widely unknown Sergio Mendes LP.

This is Sergio Mendes - Sergio Mendes' Favorite Things (1967), for Atlantic. I decided to do not make any kind of research about Favorite Things and based on I heard this is another "transitional" Sergio Mendes album from the Bossa Nova oriented years to the late more "commercial" Sergio Mendes. The Favorite Things title suggests a compilation; anyway, Caetano should bring more clarification tomorrow when I reach him by phone, although I'm sure I will wake up with several comments waiting for approval.

Tracks include:

01 - My Favorite Things(R. Rodgers / O. Hammerstein II)
02 - Tempo Feliz (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
03 - Ponteio (Edu Lobo / Capinan)
04 - Veleiro (Edu Lobo / Torquato Neto)
05 - A Banda (Chico Buarque)
06 - I Say a Little Prayer (Burt Bacharach / H. David)
07 - Comin' Home Baby (B. Tucker / B. Dorough)
08 - Boa Palavra (Caetano Veloso)
09 - O Mar É Meu Chão (Dori Caymmi / Nelson Motta)
10 - So What's New (J. Pisano)

7 Reply to "Sergio Mendes - Sergio Mendes' Favorite Things (1967)"

g picanco on Thursday, 17 May, 2007
É o desperdício do talento de um grande pianista.
Cheio de altos e baixos.
Poderia ser um senhor album.
Tem temas belíssimos que poderiam ser menos mal tratados como Veleiro, O Mar É Meu Chão e mesmo Ponteio.
Por que esse rítmo sem nacionalidade?
É a Roda Viva...

Anonymous on Thursday, 17 May, 2007
WHOOOHOOO...really nice. Thanx from Cologne,

Anonymous on Thursday, 17 May, 2007

holycownyc on Thursday, 17 May, 2007
I love this album. I own the original vinyl. Very groovy arrangements!

Cisalpino on Friday, 18 May, 2007
A friend asked sometime ago at the Cbox about a brazilian version of this magnificent standard "My favorite things" remembering the definitive version made by Coltrane. I became interest on that, I love this song, especially Coltrane one, and had never listened a brazilian version. When I saw Mendes assuming the responsability of recording it I became really interested on that. What a great surprise I had, excellent version made by the great Sergio Mendes.

Refer on Saturday, 19 May, 2007
Cisalpino, versão brasileira de ‘My Favorite Things’ que me ocorre é a de Moacir Franco (“As Coisas Que Eu Gosto”) — não sei se pra você está valendo...
Ninguém me perguntou, mas devo dizer que a versão que mais gosto é a do We Five, com vocal de Beverly Bivens.

Anonymous on Sunday, 01 March, 2009
Un comentario anterior dice que es un desperdicio de talento, que por que esos ritmos sin nacionalidad de ciertas canciones.
Opino diferente, gracias a Sergio Mendes pude adentrarme en la música brasileña, los que no me gustan son los que son muy "agringados", sin embargo gracias a él pude conocer a Jorge Ben, Gilberto Gil o Tom Jobin, para despues seguir por este viaje que todabía no ha terminado y que comenzo 35 años atras.


Ed Lincoln - Seu Piano e Seu Orgao Espetacular (1963)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 19 de maio 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

It is always nice to visit an old vinyl shop with a friend to hunt records together, but some embarrassing situations always occur. It does not happen with Caetano, that has everything and the last time that happened was with Moos, from the Netherlands. The situation happens when your friend find first the record that you are looking for. It is a weird feeling, because you stay happy and a little bit sad at the same time. Not a problem with the great Moos that sent the ones that he found first just when he arrived home.

This is Ed Lincoln - Seu Piano e Seu Orgao Espetacular (1963), for Musidisc, really above the average Ed Lincoln album, lyrics in most of the tracks, Orlandivo and Pedrinho Rodrigues as special guests and that infectious Hammond B3 organ groove provided by Ed Lincoln. I decided to keep Moos ripping untouched, so you will have eventual clicks and clacks at the end and beginning of each track.

Tracks include:

01 - Miss Balanço (Heitor Menezes)
02 - Só Danço Samba (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
03 - Vou Rir de Você (Heitor Menezes)
04 - Influência do Jazz (Carlos Lyra)
05 - Um Samba Gostoso (Ed Lincoln)
06 - Vamos Balançar (Carlos Imperial)
07 - O Samba É Bom Assim (Pra Mim) (Hélio Nascimento / Norival Reis)
08 - Pra Que (Silvio César)
09 - É Um Estouro (Jaime Silva / Neusa Teixeira / Luis Pereira)
10 - Balansamba Nº 1 (Luis Bandeira)
11 - Tristeza (Ed Lincoln / Luis Bandeira)
12 - Olhou Pra Mim (Ed Lincoln / Silvio César)

3 Reply to "Ed Lincoln - Seu Piano e Seu Orgao Espetacular (1963)"

Fábio Dias on Sunday, 20 May, 2007
Oi Zeca,
Aproveitando a postagem do disco de 63 de Ed Lincoln, lembro que no próximo 31 de maio, ele completa 75 anos. Como sugestão, que tal posts especiais em homenagem a Lincoln em seu aniversário?
Fábio Dias

jamil on Monday, 21 May, 2007
Concordo plenamente com você, sou "Fanzaço" do cara.
Olha ai a sugestão lorosumido.

JackBH on Wednesday, 23 May, 2007
Procuro esse disco (em LP...CD...cassete) há mais de 40 anos!!!
Era o som que embalava as horas dançantes da minha turma aqui em BH, quando era adolescente!!!
Valeu mesmo Zeca!!
Abraços de todos os mineiros que adoram o seu blog!!


Edu Lobo, Johnny Alf, Taiguara e Pery Ribeiro - Juntos! (1988)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 19 de maio 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Here we go again with another Caetano Rodrigues contribution, this time different, since Caetano gave this record as a gift on my last trip to Sao Paulo. Thanks Caetano. However, simplicity is not a word on Caetano's dictionary. Caetano said to let it ready and wait for further instructions. That's what I did, like a soldier and the instructions had just arrived here: release at 1 Million Hits day. Very wise of Caetano, 5 artists together on a single album is really a celebration.

This is Juntos! (1988), for Phonodisc, featuring Edu Lobo, Johnny Alf, Taiguara, Pery Ribeiro and Sergio Ricardo. I just spoke with Caetano about Juntos! and we agreed that some tracks were released only at this album and never were made available on regular releases by these artists. Any help to realize which are the songs never released on regular albums is really appreciated.

Tracks include:

01 - O Nosso Olhar - SERGIO RICARDO
02 - Uma Vez um Caso - EDU LOBO
03 - O Amor da Justica - TAIGUARA
04 - Chega de Saudade - PERY RIBEIRO
05 - Orgulho de Bom Sambista - JOHNNY ALF
06 - Valsinha - PERY RIBEIRO
07 - Gingando Dobrado - EDU LOBO
08 - Paz de um Grande Amor - JOHNNY ALF
09 - Guarania Guarani - TAIGUARA
10 - Do Lago a Cachoeira - SERGIO RICARDO

1 Reply to "Edu Lobo, Johnny Alf, Taiguara e Pery Ribeiro - Juntos! (1988)"

pawlyshyn on Tuesday, 22 May, 2007
Nice collection, but it looks like these tracks all come from LPs released during this era, mostly on Continental. For instance, the Edu songs are definitely from Limite das Águas (Continental, 1976). The Johnny Alf songs may be from Desbunde Total (Chantecler, 1978), but I don't know if they're the same versions. Ditto for the Pery songs, which may be from Pra Tanto Viver with Luiz Eça (Continental, 1986), the Taiguara cuts (Canções de amor e liberdade, Alvorada, 1983), and the Sergio Ricardo (Do Lago à Cachoeira, Continental 1979).


sexta-feira, 30 de março de 2012

Izio Grosss y Su Ritmo - Bossa Nova in Rhythm (no date)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 15 de maio 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

Hello, Good Evening! One of the favorites Caetano Rodrigues musicians is back to Loronix, Izio Gross, a widely unknown artist in Brazil, but an acclaimed musician overseas, especially in German, the country were he lives and made most part of his discography.

This is Izio Grosss y Su Ritmo - Bossa Nova in Rhythm (no date), for Kubaney. I have been searching for info about this album with no success. Caetano says that Bossa Nova in Rhythm was recorded in Mexico and he is right since Kubaney is a Mexican record label. I've been searching also at Izzio Gross official website and among several itens on his discography, this one is not listed. I think it should be listed; this is one of the best Izio Gross albums I have heard with vivid Samba Jazz renditions of Bossa Nova standards.

Tracks include:

01 - Desafinado
02 - Zelao
03 - Tristeza Alegre
04 - Noite do Meu Bem
05 - Eu-e-o-Rio
06 - Murmurio
07 - Barquinho
08 - Dindi
09 - Palhacada
10 - Samba de Minha Terra
11 - Quem Quiser Encontrar o Amor
12 - Ceu e Mar

1 Reply to "Izio Gross y Su Ritmo - Bossa Nova in Rhythm" Cisalpino on Thursday, 17 May, 2007Gostei bastante do disco postado anteriormente, não vou perder esse...


quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2012

Alberto Mota e Seu Conjunto - E pra Dancar... Ou Mais!... (1963)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 14 de maio 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

Yesterday, Carlos Mendes asked for an album from Orlando Pereira, which is an artist from the Brazilian North region Para state, close to Amazon and the rainforest full of birds that I want to visit one day. I spoke with Caetano about Orlando Pereira and he recommended a different artist from the same Para state that made a great success at Loronix months ago, Alberto Mota e Seu Conjunto, back to Loronix with E pra Dancar... Ou Mais!

This is Alberto Mota e Seu Conjunto - E pra Dancar... Ou Mais!... (1963), for Polydor. This is as nice as the previous release, Voa Meu Samba with Alberto Mota e Seu Conjunto in front of an airplane, but there is one thing that really disturbs me, this building location, it looks like very much with a church build in Belo Horizonte city, Minas Gerais, a project by Oscar Niemeyer, the renowned Brazilian architect that is making 100 years this year active as he was when 50 years old. If a friend has the right information about this building, please let us know.

The building on the cover is the Clube do Remo, futebol clube in Belém do Pará)

Tracks include:


Alberto Mota
(piano, solovox, vibes)
Waldemar Teixeira
Manoel Rayol
(sax alto)
Joaquim Henriques
Raimundo Cruz
Verbeno Costa
Marco Antonio and Mario Guerreiro
Arnaldo Henriques and Maria de Nazare

Track List

01 - Samba Triste (Baden Powell / Billy Blanco)
02 - I Could Have Danced All Night (A. G. Lerner / F. Lowe)
03 - Samba Toff (Orlandivo / Roberto Jorge)
04 - Sentimental Journey (L. Brown / B. Homer / B. Green)
05 - Dona Baratinha (Newton Ramalho / Almeida Rego)
06 - Vem Pro Samba (Orlandivo)
07 - Ou Mais (M. Guerreiro / J. Henriques)
08 - Aquellos Ojos Verdes (N. Menendez)
09 - Choro Sim (Djalma Ferreira / Iza Ferreira) Já Me Convenci (Djalma Ferreira / Iza Ferreira)
10 - Per Omina Saecula Saeculorum Amen (Miguel Gustavo)
11 - Gafieira (Djalma Ferreira / Iza Ferreira)

0 Reply to "Alberto Mota e Seu Conjunto - E pra Dancar... Ou Mais!... (1963)"    


terça-feira, 27 de março de 2012

Bola Sete - Ocean (1972)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 14 de maio 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos


I have been thinking about showing this album every week since last year and now I have some reasons for making it. Yesterday, Ipanema Sun asked for it using a comment at Astrud Gilberto post and today, I was talking with Ronnie Mesquita about another Bola Sete album that he played drums, Sheebaba, which is one of the greatest Bola Sete albums in my humble opinion. Everything leads to Bola Sete - Ocean.

This is Bola Sete - Ocean (1972), for Takoma. Breathtaking guitar only album blending meditative Bossa Nova renditions with vibrant Flamenco tunes. Another reason for do not make it before was complexity, Ocean sounds strange at a first hearing, but it is the kind of album that rewards you more and more on every new hearing you take. I hope people also reward Ronnie, Ipanema Sun and zeca to bring Bola Sete to the spotlight again at Loronix.

Tracks include:

01 - Vira Mundo Penba
02 - Guitar Lamento
03 - Let Go
04 - Macumba
05 - The Lonely Gaucho
06 - Inn of the Beginning
07 - Xango Xengo Xerengo
08 - Ocean Waves (O Mar)
09 - Jongo
10 - O Astronauta

4 Reply to "Bola Sete - Ocean (1972)"

Enkeling on Monday, 14 May, 2007Brilliant! Thanks a lot for posting!
Keep up the good work, best, Enkeling

Anonymous on Saturday, 09 August, 2008Obrigado.

dee jay cee on Sunday, 21 June, 2009
just picked it up at half assed books....good disc and fahey produced it...bonus.

Davy H on Wednesday, 05 August, 2009This has got to be one of the loveliest things I have heard in a long time - thanks so much for introducing me to him...going to search out some more recordings...


sábado, 24 de março de 2012

Ted Moreno - Sambas que a Vida Escreveu (1960)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 10 de maio 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

Mr. E. sent this album to Loronixers featuring a new artist that I never heard before. It is amazing how Mr. E. makes his contributions, always with special attention on beautiful cover scans and with a lot of additional information that is very useful to us. I learned several things with this Mr. E. contribution and I will share everything I know about Ted Moreno with Loronixers.

This is Ted Moreno - Sambas que a Vida Escreveu (1960), for Continental. Ted Moreno started his career in the mid 50's as a romantic singer, recording on several labels a repertoire based on Sambas and Bossa Nova. He was also active on radio, taking also part movies. Ted Moreno was also a composer, being recorded by renowned artists, such as: Maysa, Orlando Silva, Angela Maria, Helen de Lima, among others. In the early 60's, he made a major change on his career, getting formal musical education with Maestro Radames Gnattali, abandoning his singing career to be a Maestro on TV Globo orchestra among other activities. Nowadays, Ted Moreno lives in Brasilia and it is an active musician leading a Jazz Band with 12 musicians. I'm quite sure this album should thrill many Loronixers. Thanks Mr. E.

Tracks include:

01 - Samba Que a Vida Escreveu (Ted Moreno / Diva Correia)
02 - Carinho e Amor (Tito Madi)
03 - Segredo Para Dois (Ted Moreno / Fernando César)
04 - Onde Estava Eu (Armando Cavalcanti / Victor Freire)
05 - Enquanto Houve Amor (Ted Moreno)
06 - Mestre Vicente (Alberto Ribeiro)
07 - Mulher Sempre Mulher (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes) Um Nome de Mulher (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes) Lamento no Morro (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
08 - O Amor e a Rosa (Pernambuco / Antônio Maria)
09 - Mundo Mau (Sidney Morais / Julio Rosemberg)
10 - Mudemos de Assunto (Nazareno de Brito / Armando Nunes)
11 - A Banca do Distinto (Billy Blanco)
12 - Céu e Mar (Johnny Alf)

2 Reply to "Ted Moreno - Sambas que a Vida Escreveu (1960)"

Refer on Thursday, 10 May, 2007
V. não se lembra, Zeca, mas logo nos meus primeiros comentários eu pedia Ted Moreno! Ted Moreno! Ted Moreno!
Agora, finalmente, taí. Muitíssimo obrigado. Vou baixar e saravar.
A única música de TM (que era radicado no Rio) que tocou nas rádios de SPaulo foi 'Tema de Um Boneco de Palha' (Vera Brasil). Aguardo que uma boa alma loronixer publique essa música, um dia. Amém.
Refer - em momento Frei Galvão

Refer on Thursday, 10 May, 2007Ouvi o disco algumas vezes e não resisto a apelar a todos, pelo menos em respeito a Mr E. e Zeca que tornaram viável sua publicação, que o ouçam também. O repertório é ótimo, a voz do cara, belíssima — é um Luis Cláudio melhorado. Esse ‘Sambas...’ é um álbum magnífico.
Não sei se consigo comover os corações loronixers, empedrados de elizetes, minados de joões. Creio que não, mas eu tenho de tentar.


sexta-feira, 23 de março de 2012

Primo Trio - Primo Trio (1965)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 10 de maio 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

[1year.jpg] Hello, Good Evening! This is the start of the special posts specially selected to our 1st Loronix year celebration, actually, this is just the warm-up day, the pearls are flying from Sao Paulo to Rio on a small and very special package prepared by Caetano Rodrigues in just one day. I always like to remember everybody how Caetano Rodrigues is so important to Loronix and to the Music from Brazil. There will be a special post dedicated to Caetano Rodrigues, which is a confidential surprise, next Saturday. He is the man of the century and deserves all our appreciation and respect.

Let's start this warm-up day with instrumental music, my favorite music and probably the music that better translates Loronix. The instrumental music is unique since it does not depend on preferences on singing styles and lyrics languages; it is universal and easily introduced and appreciated worldwide. I think I could not make it better than selecting Samba Jazz, which is the favorite style of Loronixers, according with our survey.

This is Primo Trio - Primo Trio (1965), for Musidisc, the first record of the legendary pianist of Brazil South Region Primo released at 12" format. This is pretty self-explanatory and never released before at Loronix, awesome Samba Jazz music with the classical piano, bass and drums formation. I hope you really enjoy this first post of our celebration. Tracks include:


Joao Antonio Peixoto Primo
Tancredo Oliveira
Luis Sergio Pacce

Track List
01 - Garota Morena (Jair Amorim / Evaldo Gouveia)
02 - Mascarada (Zé Keti / Élton Medeiros)
03 - Charade (Henry Mancini / Mercer)
04 - Prece (Vadico / Marino Pinto)
05 - Nosso Tema (Ary Barroso)
06 - Maria (Ary Barroso)
07 - Vai Menina (Nilo Sergio)
08 - O Samba Está Bom (Luis Bittencourt / Jairo Argileo)
09 - A Visinha do Lado (Dorival Caymmi)
10 - Olha a Favela (Luis Sergio Pacce / Tranka)
11 - Balanço Zona Sul (Tito Madi)
12 - Feitio de Oração (Vadico / Noel Rosa)

3 Reply to "Primo Trio - Primo Trio (1965)"

Bossa Joe on Friday, 11 May, 2007
Truly amazing, thanks and congratulations! I hope loronix will exist for years to come!

Gary on Friday, 12 September, 2008When I reissued Primo's Sambossa LP on Whatmusic, as usual I counted on Durval Ferreira's incredible knowledge of who/what/where everyone was hiding in the modern day Brasil.
Primo was one of the more interesting ones. He held an important job in Brasilian Government working with a senator in Brasilia.
The record was due to be released just after Christmas that year (2001? I can't remember exactly) and after many attempts I finally managed to get hold of Primo on a very crackly bad phone line (no Skype in those days!). He was so amazed that these crazy guys in London were about to reissue his 3 Musidisc LPs and he wanted to tell me all about the recordings and his time as a musician in the 60s. However, he was about to go into a Senate session in the Planalto and asked if we could speak again right after Christmas.
Unfortunately, Primo died two weeks later and of course we never got to hear his reminiscences about his music career.
Of course, the music lives on...

zecalouro on Friday, 12 September, 2008
Hey Gary,
In the very first beginning of Loronix, I received an email from Primo's grandchild and he gave me several Word documents that Primo wrote in his last years, such like a self biography. Unfortunately, I lost contact with him to ask for permission to share or even make something more structured with the material.
Primo is a great musician, and you are right, his music remains.
Cheers, zeca


Mario Castro Neves & Messias - The Wonderful Latin American Sound of Brazil (1967)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 08 de maio 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

Hello, Good Evening! Do not miss Loronix party at Drink Cafe, Lagoa, Rio de Janeiro. If you are out of Rio, use your frequent flyer balance and come to the party, no transportation costs. Just kidding, I spoke with Kiko Continentino and he loved the idea of gathering Loronixers to his gig with Paulinho Guitarra, once in a lifetime opportunity to watch a nice instrumental music concert and get along with Loronixers.

Let's start the day with an album that features two great musicians and it is all about party with nice female vocals and scats.

This is Mario Castro Neves & Messias - The Wonderful Latin American Sound of Brazil (1967), for RCA Victor. What you read is what you get, this is an album by the brother of the Legendary Oscar Castro Neves, Mario Castro Neves and the Brazilian guitar player Messias, a musician that people cannot stop talking about since Caetano sent us his tribute album to Antonio Carlos Jobim. This is not instrumental music, but a collection of Bossa Nova tunes backed up by a nice piano, bass, drums and guitar group and lyrics sung by girls.

Tracks include:

01 - Candomblé (Edmundo Souto / Danilo Caymmi / Paulo Antônio)
02 - Yearning Lovers (Mário Castro Neves / Sarita)
03 - Nanã (Moacir Santos / Mário Telles)
04 - De Brincadeira (Edmundo Souto / Danilo Caymmi)
05 - Bye Bye Blackbird (R. Henderson / M. Dixon)
06 - E Nada Mais (Durval Ferreira / Luis Fernando Freire)
07 - Keep Talking (Donato / Crystal)
08 - Vem Balançar (Walter Santos / Tereza Souza)
09 - Once More (Thais do Amaral)
10 - Morte de Um Deus do Sal (Roberto Menescal / Ronaldo Bôscoli)
11 - Tá Por Fora (Wilson Simonal / Chico Feitosa)
12 - Corcovado (Tom Jobim)
13 - Carolina (Chico Buarque)
14 - Costa Brava (Mario Castro Neves / Chico Feitosa)
15 - Rosa Morena (Dorival Caymmi)
16 - Estrada do Sol (Antonio Carlos Jobim / Dolores Duran)

4 Reply to "Mario Castro Neves & Messias - The Wonderful Latin American Sound of Brazil (1967)"

Thomas on Tuesday, 08 May, 2007
Zeca, I believe this file is a different Mario Castro Neves album which was released on BMG Brazil. The album cover has the group posing on a dock in front of a ship. I think the actual Latin Sound album includes bossa standards by Mario Castro Neves & Messias on alternating tracks.

I, Zombie on Wednesday, 09 May, 2007
Awesome stuff, thanks for posting!

pigmaliao70 on Wednesday, 09 May, 2007Oi Zeca,
Acho que muitos loronixers vão fazer coro comigo:
Uma pena que o Mario Castro Neves tenha gravado tão pouco!
Esse album é praticamente uma reedição do Mario Castro Neves & Samba S.A. com outra capa.

Cisalpino on Wednesday, 09 May, 2007Esse é um dos meus albuns favoritos, recomendo muito esse post. Mas creio que seja uma reedição do Mario Castro Neves Samba S.A. Até a ordem das músicas é igual. Concordo com o pigmaliao70, realmente é uma pena o Mario ter gravado tão pouco.


quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012

Phil Woods - Floresta Canto (1975)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 15 de abril 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

I'm very excited about tomorrow and you will be also really excited with this announcement. Tomorrow, probably by the end of the day, I will receive a mass contribution from the great friend of zecalouro, the author of the already legendary book Bossa Nova e Outras Bossas, the knowledgeable friend of all Loronixers and the man who brings the history of Bossa Nova to our community, Caetano Rodrigues.

Let's celebrate and let's make it with a teaser of what we will have at Loronix tomorrow, a contribution by Caetano Rodrigues that could not be released with the last package. Let's see.

This is Phil Woods - Floresta Canto (1975), for RCA Victor. Phil Woods made this record in collaboration with Chris Gunning and his orchestra during a trip to England in 1975. There are several hidden treasures inside this album; Phil Woods plays soprano sax, an instrument that he uses very sporadically, the repertoire mix Brazilian tunes with international tunes with backing vocal on some tracks and the orchestra arrangements are in collaboration by Phill Woods and Chirs Gunning. Thanks Caetano, I was really missing your releases. Can't wait until tomorrow.

Tracks include:

01 - Canto de Ossanha
02 - Let Me
03 - O Morro
04 - Chaldean Prayer
05 - Sails
06 - Roses
07 - Without You
08 - Portrait of Julia
09 - Jesse
10 - Menino das Laranjas

This is Phil Woods - Floresta Canto (1975), at Loronix.

Hope uEnjoy!


Mr B said...
hey mr Zeca you're getting funky ! amazing stuff, swing at its purest!

Tuesday, 17 April, 2007


quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2012

Leo Peracchi e Sua Orquestra - Brazilian Cocktails (1958)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 07 de maiol 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

Hello, Good Evening! Today it was just the opposite from the others. I had a lot of time thinking about this first post of the day. I use to go panic with the last one and I hope you appreciate this first one, a nice orchestra album recorded by a renowned Brazilian maestro for Capitol in the US. There are some other amazing facts about Antonio Carlos Jobim at this album, let's see.

This is Leo Peracchi e Sua Orquestra - Brazilian Cocktails (1958), for Capitol. Thanks Caetano Rodrigues for making available the cover artwork this time. I'm now skilled on my new entry-level A4 scanner and cover scan quality has been gradually improved a lot. Brazilian Cocktails was released as part of a given Capitol International series and I'm not sure if it was issued in Brazil. This album has three Antonio Carlos Jobim compositions that you will not find on any other Jobim career album, Moonlight Daiquiri, Latin Manhattan and Coffee Delight, this last one with Dolores Duran.

There is another Brazilian album from this series that I would like very much to have to chance to hear featuring Carolina Cardoso de Menezes and Orlando Silveira - Honeymoon in Rio. The cover artwork is beautiful as this one and you can click on this thumbnail to see it bigger.

Tracks include:

01 - Batida de Maracujá (Luciano Perrone)
02 - Carnaval Cocktails (Bobby Black)
03 - "Souse" American (Lindolfo Gaya)
04 - Macumba Cocktail (João da Bahiana)
05 - Moonlight Daiquiri (Tom Jobim)
06 - Old Fashioned Bahia (Luis Bonfá)
07 - Tico-tico Bombie (Aloysio de Oliveira)
08 - Latin Manhatan (Tom Jobim)
09 - Brasilian Hangover (Bobby Black)
10 - Coffee Delight (Tom Jobim / Dolores Duran)
11 - Dry Copacabana (Vadico)
12 - Rio Martini (Aloysio de Oliveira)

4 Reply to "Leo Peracchi e Sua Orquestra - Brazilian Cocktails (1958)"

edson mendes on Tuesday, 08 May, 2007
Wow, this is an amazing record, one of those we try to find everytime we go to a used records shop (a "sebo", in a good portuguese)!
I think this is the north-american version of a very rare Odeon release (MOFB 3042, 1958).
The Jobim's tunes are also available on the compilation "Tom Jobim - Raros compassos" (Revivendo RVCD-142/143/144), but in a very poor sound. This one is in a really better quality.
Thank you for giving us this pearl!

edson mendes on Wednesday, 09 May, 2007Hi Zeca, I am here again.
Listening to the disc we note that something is wrong. Not with the great music that it contains, but with the tunes that aren't in the same order that they are listed in the backover, so they seem to be mismatched...
For example, track number 7 "Tico-tico Zombie" is in true "Moonlight daiquiri", which after receiving Chico Buarque's lyrics was renamed to "Imagina".
But the most impressing thing is that track number 6 "Old fashioned Bahia" (which is track number 5 of side two in the original backcover) is clearly the music "Estrada do sol (A. C. Jobim - Dolores Duran), that is not listed in the backcover!

Eric on Wednesday, 18 June, 2008Hi - Are you still looking for Honeymoon in Rio? I have located a copy and when it arrives, I will see what kind of shape it is in.

zecalouro on Wednesday, 18 June, 2008Eric,
Sure. Honeymoon in Rio is on my wish list. Please keep us posted.
Thanks a lot.


Luiz Carlos Vinhas - O Piano Magico de Luiz Carlos Vinhas (1985)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 06 de maiol 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

Hello, Good Evening! I spent all day out of home and I'm really delayed with my mailbox. By the way, I just checked my mailbox and so far I could not find a reply from Survey participant number 47 claiming his great prize. It has been more than 24 hours since the lottery has ended and four days lasts for a response. Let's keep waiting; otherwise a new Lottery will be performed. Anyway, let's start the music with a solo LP from the mighty leader of Bossa Tres that is probably widely unknown to Loronixers.

This is Luiz Carlos Vinhas - O Piano Magico de Luiz Carlos Vinhas (1985), for Som Livre. We did not make an exploitation of later works of Luiz Carlos Vinhas as we made with Luiz Eca, so it is time to fill this gap. Bass and drums accompany Luiz Carlos Vinhas on a traditional trio formation. The record starts with Samba Jazz, but from the second track to the end the atmosphere changes to piano bar music, with Vinhas performing Bossa Nova and American standards. Personnel is Luis Carlos Vinhas (piano), Edson Vidal (drums) and Almiro Barros (bass).

Tracks include:

01 - Você e Eu (Carlos Lyra / Vinicius de Moraes)
02 - As Time Goes By (H. Hupfeld)
03 - Ligia (Tom Jobim)
04 - Disa (Johnny Alf / Maurício Einhorn)
05 - The Man I Love (George Gershwin / Ira Gershwin)
06 - Minha (Francis Hime / Ruy Guerra)
07 - "Orfeu do Carnaval" Manhã de Carnaval (Luis Bonfá / Antônio Maria) A Felicidade (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes) Samba de Orfeu (Luis Bonfá / Antônio Maria)
08 - Poinciana (N. Simon)
09 - Só Saudade (Tom Jobim / Newton Mendonça)
10 - Manhattan (R. Rogers / L. Hart)
11 - Girl Talk (N. Hefti)
12 - I'm In The Mood For Love (J. McHugh / D. Fields)
13 - Again (L. Newman / D. Cochrane)

No comments


terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012

Orquestra Tabajara - Severino Araujo e Sua Orquestra Tabajara (2001)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 28 de abril 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

Hello, Good Evening! Yesterday we had the amazing Copacabana Palace Movie post and I was confident to say that people would make a great reception to it. I was not wrong. Copacabana Palace is far away the post with the best performance at Loronix with 480 downloads in less than 24 hours. This number is four times above the average. Mr. E, really made a nice contribution.

Now I want your attention for a really special post. I read today that Maestro Severino Araujo made 90 years old for five days ago, April, 23rd and this is the reason I was looking for to make a tribute to a very important Brazilian orchestra, home of many musicians we knew with Loronix and also the oldest Brazilian musical group in activity, the legendary Orquestra Tabajara, active since 1934.

This is Orquestra Tabajara - Severino Araujo e Sua Orquestra Tabajara (2001), for Warner. This is a compilation issued by Warner Brazil in 2001 that has gone out of print and was never issues again will be our introduction to the 73 years old Orquestra Tabajara. Alvaro Neder from AMG made a really nice Maestro Severino Araujo Biography that will be much better than my best try to describe this great music ensemble. Tracks include:

Maestro Severino Araujo AMG Biography

[tabajarapost.jpg]For more than 60 years, Severino Araújo has been the conductor, arranger, clarinetist, and leader of the Orquestra Tabajara, the most important dance orchestra in Brazil. It is a native version of the Glenn Miller big band (and also doubles clarinet and sax) that plays music from all over the world with a Brazilian swing. Recording more than 100 78 rpm's (always for Continental), the orchestra's international career has taken them to play in several countries, especially Argentina, France, and Portugal. With almost 13,000 performances worldwide, they figure in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest orchestra still in evidence. The author of "Espinha de Bacalhau" (along with many other all-time hits), one of the eight most performed choros in the entire world, shared the stage with the Tabajara, with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra in a special performance that became registered in the orchestral history of Brazil.

Araujo's father, José Severino de Araújo (Sazuzinha), was an instrumentalist, arranger, and band conductor. Several of his sons became musicians: Severino, Manuel (trombone), Plínio (drums), the famous Zé Bodega (tenor sax), and Jaime (saxes). At four, Araujo was already taking musical lessons with his father. He accounts that at that time, he was almost going to sleep when his father, upon finishing a new arrangement, told him that if he waited a while, he would teach him ten new musical lessons. He took the lessons and the next day, he performed all of them; then his father went out and bought him a French method, which oriented Araujo's self-teaching process. Two years later, at six, he became his father's assistant in teaching his pupils.

 In 1928, Araujo began to take the instruments, beginning with horn and saxophone, soon taking the clarinet. At that time, there wasn't a Brazilian method for that instrument, so he wrote his own exercises that he gathered, writing the choro "Desconcertante," a real technical challenge. With his home serving as the band's headquarters, he learned all of the instruments, with the exception of piano and violin (which didn't exist in that band). At 12, he performed in public for the first time, playing clarinet with his father's band. It was when he wrote a dobrado, complete with the arrangement, that he even came to play with the band, but it got lost. Living in nearby cities during that period, in 1930 he returned to Limoeiro, working in the local commerce. In 1933, he moved to Ingá PB, where he worked as a bureaucrat and participated in the local band. In 1936, he moved to João Pessoa PB, and was hired as clarinetist for the state police band, when he was challenged to solo the "Fantasia Traviata" (Verdi), which had not been played for the last 12 years. Having 15 days to study the piece, he performed it in three days, receiving a standing ovation from his bandmates. In that year, he wrote "Espinha de Bacalhau," and in the next, was hired by Rádio Tabajara as clarinetist and saxophonist. He also served the Army as a first-class musician. At that point, the Orquestra Tabajara had been created four years before by Olegário de Nuna Freire and Jost vön Shosten, under the name Jazz Tabajara. When they were hired by the state government for the state Rádio Tabajara, Araujo was invited by Olegário to be the first clarinetist. Leaving the police band, he assumed his position with the orchestra until December 30, 1938, when Olegário died. Araujo wanted to play, not conduct, but the radio's direction, together with the outing's cast of singers and musicians, wanted him to be the conductor, so he accepted. Soon, he moved to Rio with two of the orchestra's musicians: Geraldo Medeiros and Porfírio Costa. In Rio, he was hired by Rádio PRG-3 as the radio's arranger and saxophonist for the radio's Orquestra Marajoara. In 1945, he called to Rio the rest of the Tabajara's members as the Tabajara had been hired by Rádio Tamoio. Along with an intense performance schedule on all radios of Rio (eight in total at the time), the Tabajara also played balls in upcountry Brazil. That same year, they recorded the first album of the Tabajara, a 78 rpm with his "Um Chorinho em Aldeia." The next year, he recorded one of the Tabajara's biggest hits, the choro "Pára-Quedista," composed and soloed by the band's trombonist José Leocádio. His samba arrangement of George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" made national success, but put him under fire by more exalted nationalists. At that time, he was admitted as conductor to Rádios Tupi and Nacional in Rio. On January 20, 1951, the Orquestra Tabajara opened the TV broadcasts in Brazil, in Rio. The same year, TV Tupi was largely reconstructed after a fire and for its re-opening, the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra was hired, performing together with the Tabajara on December 1, 1951, in a memorable encounter that projected the Tabajara internationally. The next year, the Tabajara toured Europe, having as their crooner Jamelão, who would later become a successful solo singer. In 1955, Araujo was hired as conductor by Rádio Mayrink Veiga, Rio, when he toured Uruguay with the Tabajara, touring Argentina in 1962. In that year, he was hired by TV-Rio, where worked until his retirement in 1968. In 1999, he commemorated 80 years still conducting the Tabajara in their performances throughout Brazil and abroad. "The day the Orquestra Tabajara loses its international status, I will kill it," he said.

Track List

01 - Chega de Saudade
02 - Para-quedista
03 - Morena Boca de Ouro
04 - Relembrando o Norte
05 - Despedida de Mangueira
06 - Espinha de Bacalhau
07 - Vassourinhas
08 - Dora
09 - Baiao
10 - Moreninha da Praia
11 - Recife, Capital do Frevo
12 - Foi Ela
13 - Um Chorinho em Aldeia
14 - Maracatu Sururu

2 Reply to "Orquestra Tabajara - Severino Araujo e Sua Orquestra Tabajara (2001)"

Miguelito, el Gran Chihuahua on Friday, 18 April, 2008Oi,Loronix! Tudo bem?
Por favor, você poderia disponibilizar novamente esse trabalho da Orquestra Tabajara, de 2001???
Um grande abraço e obrigado!

Miguelito, el Gran Chihuahua on Monday, 02 June, 2008

Oi,Zecalouro! Boa noite!
Eu gostaria de agradecê-lo pela repostagem do trabalho da Orquestra Tabajara. Valeu pela atenção e parabéns pelo seu trabalho,também.
Ah,aproveitando a oportunidade, eu quero agradecer pelo post do trabalho do Peri Ribeiro, "Herança", de 1973 que eu também estava procurando.
Um grande abraço,Miguel.
