domingo, 2 de novembro de 2014

Elizeth Cardoso – Elizeth Interpreta Vinicius (1963)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 11 de janeiro 2008.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Today was my Daddy’s birthday, a great day for me. He took one of his albums from his collection to make available at Loronix, but I arrived late at home after birthday celebration and I could not make the transfer on time. Anyway, not a big issue, since I’m making one of the albums he likes most and an awaited repost requested by many Loronixers.
Let’s see

This is Elizeth Cardoso – Elizeth Interpreta Vinicius (1963), for Copacabana. The second cover belongs to the first original Copacabana issue and the first has Vinicius de Moraes and it is the one that I like most. Elizeth Interpreta Vinicius features Elizeth Cardoso performing Vinicius de Moraes repertoire with arrangements of Maestro Moacir Santos and the guitar of Baden Powell. 
With these credentials, I don’t need to set up a poll to evaluate if this LP addresses the preferences of our community. Besides the participation of Moacir Santos and Baden Powell, remaining personnel is so far not confirmed.

Vejam no texto na contracapa do LP o que o Vinicius fala da Elizeth, do Tom e Carlos Lyra, do Rio de Janeiro e do movimento da Bossa Nova.

Tracks include:

Elizeth Cardoso
Moacir Santos
Baden Powell
Nilo Queiroz
Track List

01 – Mulher Carioca (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
02 – Pela Luz dos Olhos Teus (Vinicius de Moraes)
03 – Sempre a Esperar (Vadico / Vinicius de Moraes)
04 – Menino Travesso (Moacir Santos / Vinicius de Moraes)
05 – Consolação (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
06 – Triste de Quem (Moacir Santos / Vinicius de Moraes)
07 – Se Você Disser Que Sim (Moacir Santos / Vinicius de Moraes)
08 – Ai de Quem Ama (Nilo Queiroz / Vinicius de Moraes)
09 – Lembre-se (Moacir Santos / Vinicius de Moraes)
10 – Valsa Sem Nome (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
11 – Canção do Amor Ausente (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)

14 Comentários originais:

Onzichtbaredj said…
Dear Dr. Zecalouro,
After you have explained your method I am convinced that you made your degree as doctor!
The results of your work are excellent.
A happy hooked listener.

Wednesday, 16 August, 2006

Anonymous said…
Bom dia Zecalouro, acompanho diariamente seu blog e está cada dia me surpreende pela qualidade. Estou achando os discos raros da coleção e ouvindo de uma outra forma. Parabéns! Gostaria de fazer um pedido do LP Sambas do Rio de Lana Bittencourt. Obrigado!

Wednesday, 16 August, 2006

wolff said…
love your blog!

the music’s great but i also enjoy greatly reading the blurbs where you introduce the selections…
Wednesday, 16 August, 2006

avocado kid said…
Your blog is an inspiration! Also amazing is that over time I’m starting to realize:

A. What an incredible collection you have to keep giving us these rare gems day after day!
B. How impressive the Brazilian record industry was in the 50s, 60s and 70s… especially in cover designs!
Thanks, again and again.
Wednesday, 16 August, 2006

Anonymous said…
Nice to see that this album features 4 almost unknown songs by the late (and GREAT) Moacir Santos with Vinicius de Moraes.

A real gem.
Wednesday, 16 August, 2006

pfkk said…
Elizeth,Moacir Santos e Baden Powell. Bom esse disco!

Wednesday, 16 August, 2006

AdHoc said…
The downloading link seems to be broken. No file at the end.

Wednesday, 30 May, 2007

Hugo said…
Upload this again please…Moacyr santos…Elizeth and Vinicius..what more can we ask for?

Tuesday, 19 June, 2007

strangefruit said…
Onzichtbaredj, wolff, avocado kid, and both anonymous-es are all correct: this is an exceptional blog! Ad hoc is also right: this link is gone.

Monday, 23 July, 2007

AdHoc said…
Esse “adhoc” aí em cima não sou eu. Tenho certeza absoluta; ontem a noite eu só tomei um copo de vinho. É alguém usando indevidamente meu “nom de guerre”.

This “adhoc” posting about the broken link is not me. Someone else has been using my nickname (shame on you!).

PS/ A propósito, grande disco esse da Elizeth. E que grande final de 2007 e começo de 2008 no Loronix, com a volta magistral do Mestre Caetano Rodrigues. Vai ser difícil encontrar algo à altura para lhe enviar.
Friday, 11 January, 2008

AdHoc said…
Agora me dei conta que esses comentários são antigos. Talvez até tenha sido eu, em maio de 2007. Talvez tenha sido mais de um copo de vinho ontem a noite.

Friday, 11 January, 2008

friday817 said…
Hey Zeca, today is my Daddy’s birthday too! Thanks for more Elizeth Cardoso, a great way to celebrate our father’s birthday.

Friday, 11 January, 2008

jbb said…
Thank you so much for reposting this wonderful LP.

Monday, 14 January, 2008

zecalouro said…
Thank you. I love this album and it is important to make it available with the best possible quality.

Regards, zeca
Monday, 14 January, 2008


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