sexta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2013

Pernambuco e Seu Conjunto – Em Ritmo de Dança (1957)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 30 de Julho 2009.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Hello, good evening! And thanks Moos for writing. Loronix was on hiatus for almost two weeks and things were really strange down here. My health has been stable; it was only a matter of accumulated work. I’ve been working as freelance since January and two websites I was making for my customers reached the final development stage in the last days, all together. Weird time of very hard work.

I will keep the community informed as soon as the result of these engagements gets on-line. Who knows someone needs a website and hires me, helping also Loronix.
Let’s see.

This is Pernambuco e Seu Conjunto – Em Ritmo de Danca (1957), for Polydor, with the well know pistonist Pernambuco delivering piano playing backed by a Conjunto, surprisingly credited by Polydor. This is not the first Pernambuco album at Loronix and you should not take by mistake the percussionist Pernambuco do Pandeiro, also active during the 1950′s. Pernambuco was also in charge of arrangements and some organ playing. The conjunto brings important musicians, such like the bassist Luis Marinho and the legendary Brazilian guitarrist Bandeirante.

Tracks include:


(piano, organ, arrangements)

Luis Marinho


Sylvio (Tancredi?)

(electric guitar)


Pinocchio, Gilberto

Track List

01 – Pois e (Ataulpho Alves)
02 – You’re Sensational (Cole Porter)
03 – O Menino Grande (Antonio Maria)
04 – El Cubanchero (Rafael Hernandez)
05 – Historia de un Amor (Carlos Almaran)
06 – Requebrando (Mario Teresopolis / Guido Medina)
07 – Kalu (Humberto Teixeira)
08 – Tea for Two (Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans)
09 – Ginga de Urubu (Pernambuco)
10 – Folha Morta (Ary Barroso)
11 – Begin the Beguine (Cole Porter)
12 – Forro no Limoeiro (Edgar Ferreira)

5 Comentários originais

Anonymous on Sunday, 13 September, 2009
Caro Zeca,
Fico muito feliz por saber que está melhor. Por aqui também alguma coisa esteve suspensa enquanto durou a sua ausência.
Já descobri, encontrei e reencontrei tantas coisas maravilhosas no seu blog… Algumas que me faziam tanta falta!
Obrigada por partilhar esses tesouros com tanto carinho e dedicação.


Milan Filipović on Tuesday, 15 September, 2009
Congratulations for over 5000000 visitors.
Keep up the good work!

Pablo Ramos on Tuesday, 15 September, 2009
Hey, grate blog !!!!

Are you brazilian? If yes, why not post in portuguese too? Many people down here should know your wonderful work !
Ok, I know that`s hard mantaining such a site, bus just some lines in portuguese would help non English speacker to know their music.
Congratulations! Whatever language you use, the blog is a “pearl” (as we say here).

adriano on Friday, 02 October, 2009
Sou assiduo ao Loronix e ao Um que tenha. Pergunto o que houve “novamente” com o site do Um que tenha, já que junto com o Loronix são os melhores da NET. Algo estar a acontecer. Gostaria de saber.

luc on Wednesday, 21 October, 2009
when i was googling with blogspot as a keyword, i saw this blog many times
makes me boring but i wonder how

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