quarta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2013

Dilermando Reis – Sua Majestade o Violão (1957)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 30 de Julho 2009.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Hello, good evening! I spent a lot of energy trying to make a nice transfer of this beautiful and important album. Unfortunately, the outcome was a little behind the others.

Violao solo albums are always difficult to transfer. Sometimes the silence is part of the music and any imperfection becomes easily audible. However, this is an above the average violao only album, recorded by one of the most influent Brazilian violao players, Dilermando Reis
Let’s see.

This is Dilermando Reis – Sua Majestade o Violao (1957), for Continental, his 12-inch LP, featuring fascinating Dilermando Reis renditions of classical tunes on side A and Brazilian popular music on side B.


I cannot decide which side I like most, but track 05 – Noturno Nº 2 Opus 10 (Frederic Chopin) really made my mind today and it is my choice on our preview feature, available just before the download links.

Tracks include:

01 – Malagueña (Ernesto Lecuona)
02 – Pavana (Francisco Tárrega)
03 – Clair de Lune (Debussy)
04 – Romanza (Schumann)
05 – Noturno Nº 2 Opus 10 (Frederic Chopin)
06 – Se Ela Perguntar (Dilermando Reis / Jair Amorim)
07 – Romance de Amor (Vicente Gomes)
08 – Índia (José Asunción Flores / Manuel Ortiz Guerrero)
09 – Foi Bôto Sinhá (Waldemar Henrique / Antônio Tavernard)
10 – Araguaia (Dilermando Reis)
11 – Marcha Triunfal Brasileira (Benedito Chaves)

8 Comentários originais:

Audities on Friday, 21 August, 2009
Thank you from the San Francisco Bay area, USA.
Us folks from the United States would never get to hear this wonderful music without your exempliary efforts.

Daver88 on Friday, 28 August, 2009
It is wonderful to hear this great musician. A most beautiful guitar sound & such an expressive vibrato. Thanks for sharing this.

Franck.de.Paris on Wednesday, 02 September, 2009
Hello zeca
Thanks for this recording of a great brazilian interpret! A long time ago, I played several choros arrangements from him, I’m so glad to hear him now.
It’s the first time I write here. I have discovered your site a few days ago. For all the treasures we can find here, for the way you share them, the nice presentations, the interesting information, your personal and sometimes funny comments, be thanked thousand times!
Congratulations for all the work you do: I imagine all the hours spent, and appreciate fully the quality of the results 
Naturally, transmit these words to all the fellows who participate with you.
I love brazilian music for more than 30 years, and here I have the pleasure to go on discovering new tunes, composers, musicians, singers, and to find what can’t be found elsewhere. So I tell you: loronix is simply one of the best findings I made on the web for 15 years I explore it.
Obrigado, e amigável abraço de França!

zecalouro on Wednesday, 02 September, 2009
Hello Franck.de.Paris,

Thanks for the touching, sincere and genuine statement for all the work done so far at Loronix. Your last sentence is particularly special. Thanks once again and feel free to reach me anytime.
Kind regards,

Anonymous on Saturday, 05 September, 2009
Thank you ! merci ! merci! merciiiii!

What you are doing is wonderfull !
this guitarist is great ;;;
A friend from paris

antônio on Sunday, 06 September, 2009
Dilermando Reis foi, para mim, o maior violonista brasileiro. Seu violão e interpretação soavam como um canto de passarinho. Pena que pessoas como ele morrem cedo. Mas deixou um legado inigualável. ACNN

rickdog on Saturday, 26 September, 2009
Kudos of the highest order from rickdog in Minneapolis, MN, USA.

Maranhão on Thursday, 29 October, 2009
Nossa! Lembro-me de escutar esse vinil quando ainda era filhote… rs! Era de meu já falecido pai. Muito bom mesmo!
Parabéns Zeca pelo lindíssimo e árduo trabalho que tem feito por aqui.
Para mim, este blog é um verdadeiro paraíso! O melhor de todos!
Vida eterna a você, meu caro!


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