segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2013

Varios Artistas – Vitrine Odeon (1958)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 07 de Março 2009.
Comentários originais incluídos.

I received an email from the owner of one of the coolest blogs I know, Toque Musical, which is now up and running on a new website, very similar to the previous one, but I recommend that you follow this link to make sure you will reach the right website, here: If you like Brazilian music and LPs, Toque Musical is mandatory.

TM (is that your name?) also said he made a long time ago Vitrine Odeon, and kindly sent to Loronix the scan of the original cover. Thanks TM for your great sharing spirit.

Good, the pieces are getting together, and now we need only Clovis Pereira – Ritmos Aluciantes and Elizeth Cardoso – Cancao de Amor audios. I want to thank TM for this update and also remind you again to reach his website at

Hello, good evening! Everything went wrong today and this is the reason why three covers are available. Perhaps it is the anticipated effect of the move, scheduled for Tuesday, next week, or perhaps just a coincidence. I had an amazing plan. I started with Elizeth Cardoso – Cancao de Amor (1957), a compilation released by Todamerica featuring Elizeth Cardoso phonograms taken from old 78rpm records. I heard it from the start until the end and liked a lot; the repertoire is awesome and features several Brazilian popular music standards.

Unfortunately, the output I got when transferring was really bad, several scratches and a strange background noise. I had to decline. If someone has this album and sharing spirit, please write me using the comment section or my email.

Recovered from Elizeth Cardoso’s trauma, all my attention was turned to another target, a sough after album by Loronix community and LP collectors worldwide, which is Clovis Pereira Ritmos Alucinantes (1957), for the obscure label Repertorio. This is album brings the first Hermeto Pascoal recording as an instrumentalist.

However, I had another problem, the record inside was not Clovis Pereira, but a compilation released by Odeon featuring Aloysio de Oliveira telling the story of high fidelity on side B and various artists on side A. Almost losing my forces, I decided to make it and tell you this long story.
Let’s see.

This is Varios Artistas – Vitrine Odeon (no date), for Odeon, featuring Aloysio de Olivera e O Bando da Lua, Maestro Leo Peracchi, Fon-Fon e Sua Orquestra, Mario Reis, Francisco Alves, Steve Bernard e Seu Conjunto and the first track I had the chance to hear with Conjunto Brasil Sonoro, featuring Altamiro Carrilho (flute), Carlos Matos (violao), Chaim Lewak (piano), Agostinho Silva (organ), Norato (trombone), Chiquinho do Acordeom (acordion), Hans (oboe), Jayme Araujo (alto sax), Formiga (piston) e Netinho (clarinet), a constellation of Brazilian musicians.



lado A

1 - Adeus Maria Fulo - Leo Peracchi e Sua Orquestra
2 - Chatanooga Choo Choo - Aloysio de Oliveira e Seu Bando da Lua
3 - Rouxinol Alegre - Steve Bernard e Seu Conjunto
4 - X-9 - Conjunto Brasil Sonoro

Lado B

5 - Breve História em Alta Fidelidade - Aloysio de Oliveira


5 Comentários originais:

Anonymous on Saturday, 07 March, 2009
What a story!
We are waiting for Ritmos Alucinantes, Clovis will appear. Thank for your more than great work. Saludos desde México.

Carlos Nolf on Sunday, 08 March, 2009
Dear Zecaloruro, Sorry to hear about your bad experience with Elizete Cardoso’s album… but I have good news for you! Few years ago RGE released a set of 3 CDs containing all Elizete’s songs from Transamérica. Well… I have the CDs and I already checked: I have all the 8 songs listed in the album cover. Please let me know what and how you need these songs and I’ll glad to share them with Loronix. All the best, Carlos

zecalouro on Sunday, 08 March, 2009
Dear Carlos,
It would be a great achievement to Loronix archives and for all who admire Elizeth Cardoso, such like me. Please tell me what is needed to make it viable or write me at
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,

Henrique on Tuesday, 17 March, 2009
Wow! What a wonderful blog. I am a brazilian student of history writing from Buenos Aires. I would like to let you know that for me its really wonderful to see things like this.
Good Afternonn.

Anonymous on Monday, 06 July, 2009
Hello and thank you for all the music. Why is the track listing on the record label scan different?


Um comentário:

  1. Valeu brother, de volta a editar no Blog e na rede ! que bom
    Longa vida
    Chris - Faxineiro - St Tropez (França)
