segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2013

Márcia – Eu e a Brisa (1968)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 15 de abril 2008.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Hello, good evening! I thought life would be much easier making a single post daily to leave the rest of the time to the activities for the reconstruction activities. However, in practical terms, this daily pick has been very difficult (and of course, very funny). This is all about balance and taking a look on previous releases

I think it is time to make a Bossa Nova album performed by a female singer, breaking the sequence of instrumental albums of the last few days. I hope we all enjoy this one
Let’s see.

This is Marcia – Eu e a Brisa (1968), for Philips, which is the debut LP of this really important and unfortunately underated artist. Marcia performed with great artists like Vinicius de Moraes, Paulo Cesar Pinheiro and her long time partner Baden Powell.

This album has also important for being the first recording of Johnny Alf’s Eu e a Brisa, previously performed by Marcia at III Festival da Musica Popular Brasileira (1968).

The back cover brings liner notes written by Flávio Cavalcanti, who decided not to mention anything about the musicians, just making comments about Marcia.

Tracks include:

01 – Eu e a Brisa (Johnny Alf)
02 – Pra Machucar Meu Coração (Ary Barroso)
03 – Canção Que Morre no Ar (Carlos Lyra / Ronaldo Bôscoli)
04 – Se a Gente Morresse de Amor (Lindolfo Gaya / Helder Camara)
05 – É Preciso Dizer Adeus (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
06 – Passa Por Mim (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sergio Valle)
07 – A Volta (Roberto Menescal / Ronaldo Bôscoli)
08 – Samba da Pergunta (Pingarilho / Marcos Vasconcellos)
09 – Dorme Profundo (Pingarilho / Marcos Valle)
10 – Aula de Matemática (Tom Jobim / Marino Pinto)
11 – De Você Eu Gosto (Tom Jobim / Aloysio de Oliveira)
12 – Eu Também Preciso de Você (Silvinha Telles)

Martoni: Márcia = Márcia Elizabeth Raimundo Barbosa!


1 Comentários originais:

Anonymous on Wednesday, 16 April, 2008
Márcia, eu e a brisa…
Disco magnifico..repertorio de primeira, arranjos arrochados e uma voz sem igual


2 comentários:

  1. Olá
    O arquivo acusa como inexistente.
    Alguma intenção de refazer o upload?
    Obrigado por qualquer ajuda.

  2. Verifiquei e notei que o arquivo está considerado ilegal. Infelizmente!!
