quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2013

Henri Salvador – Dans Mon Ile Nr. 3 (1958)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 15 de fevereiro 2008.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Henri Salvador
* Cayenne, Frans-Guyana, 18 juli 1917
† Parijs, 13 februari 2008

This is a very special gift that our community received today by our friend Cyril Morana from France. I don’t know how to express myself to show my gratitude to receive this really special record on such important day.

Cyril says he is very sad with Henri Salvador passing last Wednesday and I join him on his feelings for the lost of a true genius of planet Earth music.

This is Henri Salvador – Dans Mon Ile Nr. 3 (1958), for Barclay, in the 45rpm EP format, featuring Dans Mon Ile, a very important song that influenced Brazilian music and Bossa Nova, according with Antonio Carlos Jobim and many others.

Henri Salvador performs Dans Mon Ile and it is the definitive version among many others I have heard so far. I’m really glad to read the feedback given to yesterday’s tribute to Henri Salvador and with Cyril’s help I think we now have the tribute Henri Salvador deserves. The music is available as a direct link to everybody.

Tracks include:

01 – Dans mon île (Maurice Pon / H. Salvador)
02 – Marianne (Terry Gilkyson / F. Miller / R. Dehr / J. Larue)
03 – Mathilda (H. Thomas / F. Bonifay)
04 – Je peux pas travailler (Boris Vian / Salvador)

3 Comentários originais:

afroquarius said…
I only heard a couple songs of Henri Salvador’s from this “Jazz in Paris” compilation album. I’m saddened to hear he passed away. But thanks Loronix, for sharing this little 3 song EP of his.
R.I.P Henri Salvador.
Friday, 15 February, 2008

Anonymous said…
Henri Salavdor falava que quando Tom Jobim ouviu a musica “Dans mon ile” ele pensou “isso que tem que fazer, afrouxar o tempo do samba e por uma bonita melodia e belos acordos por cima”.
Caetano Veloso canto esta musica no album Outras Palavras
“Voilà ce qu’il faut faire” s’était dit Carlos Jobim en écoutant “Dans mon île”, racontait Henri Salvador. “Ralentir le tempo de la samba et mettre une jolie mélodie et de beaux accords dessus. Donc, je suis à l’origine de la bossa-nova sans l’avoir voulu.”
Saturday, 16 February, 2008

Tombom said…
Henri Salvador was a great artist, entertainer/chansonnier, marvelous singer/composer and one of the most important 20th century genius of popular music!
Excuse me… but… Mr. Henri Salvador didn’t “create” or “inspire” the Bossa Nova movement. In fact, he included the Bossa Bova beat style in several own songs… after 1958 (official year of the birth of Bossa Nova in Rio de Janeiro…).
Ask about it to Mr. Ruy Castro… the writer of “Chega de Saudade”, the best book of Bossa Nova history.
I don’t want to create polemics… I just want to know the true about this fact. And I always love Henri Salvador musical work and his swinging voice. He deserves all my révérence and love.
Sunday, 17 February, 2008


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