sábado, 1 de setembro de 2012

Clara Nunes – Guerreira (1978)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 06 de outubro 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

This post is to show my commitment to deliver a unforgettable Samba Saturday tomorrow. Friends like moos and many other Samba enthusiasts are getting disappointed with 3 non-Samba weekends at Loronix and there is nothing more associated with Samba than Clara Nunes. Let’s see.

This is Clara Nunes – Guerreira (1978), for Odeon. We have here a late album by Clara Nunes, featuring a mature artist with total control of his interpretation and beautiful voice. The first track gives the album title and worth the entire record. I’m not knowledgeable on Clara Nunes discography, so I’m taking in consideration my listening experience and this one is so far the most pleasant Clara Nunes I have ever heard. Personnel features a constellation of Brazilian musicians with three Maestros in charge of arrangements, as highlighted on track list.

Tracks include:


Dino 7 Cordas
(violao 7 cordas)

Wilson das Neves



Pedro Santos, Marcal, Luna, Elizeu, Doutor, Cabelinho, Milton

Helinho, Neco, Ze Menezes


Jorginho, Jaime Araujo, Mauro Senise, Celso, Copinha



Maestro Nelsinho

Dinorah, Euridice, Zinilda, Zelia, Edgardo, Gelson, Roberto, Ronaldo, Evinha, Marizinha, Regna, Jilcara, Eunice

Geraldo Vespar (*)
Ivan Paulo (**)
Nelsinho (***)

Track List

01 – Guerreira (João Nogueira / Paulo César Pinheiro) (*)
02 – Mente (Eduardo Gudin / Paulo Vanzolini) (**)
03 – Candongueiro (Wilson Moreira / Nei Lopes) (**)
04 – Outro Recado (Candeia / Casquinha) (***)
05 – Zambelê (Catoni / Rosa) (*)
06 – Quem Me Ouvir Cantar (Aniceto) (***)
07 – Jogo de Angola (Mauro Duarte / Paulo César Pinheiro) (*)
08 – Ninguém (Paulo César Pinheiro) (*)
09 – Moeda (Romildo / Toninho Nascimento) (**)
10 – Amor Desfeito (Gisa Nogueira) (**)
11 – O Bem e o Mal (Nelson Cavaquinho / Guilherme de Brito) (***)
12 – Tu Que Me Deste o Teu Cuidado (Capiba / Manuel Bandeira) (*)

4 Comentários originais:

Moos said…
Very much apreciated Zeca, thanks for another great peace of samba.
the music of Dorival Caymmi is high recomendable too.
Saturday, 06 October, 2007

J Thyme…kind said…
Hello Zeca, You rule the Samba Saturday & Sunday. OK? Shine on!
Saturday, 06 October, 2007

dubmusic said…
Thanks. Clara Nunes is one of the best!
Sunday, 07 October, 2007

Rolf -nl said…
Jogo De Angola!
What a track.. thanks for the whole album, was looking for this! another on on my vinyl hunt list hehehe
Friday, 15 August, 2008


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