domingo, 16 de setembro de 2012

Arthur Moreira Lima – Com Licenca… (1981)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 20 de outubro 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Since I started Loronix I have been thinking about posting this album. Being open and honest, I decided on making it today in response of the feedback given to the last Arthur Moreira Lima release, the first at Loronix, a contribution by AdHoc, the contributor that really rocks. AdHoc contribution was the first album recorded by Arthur Moreira Lima, totally dedicated to Ernest Nazareth compositions.

This time, Arthur delivers a completely different record, less formal and featuring compositions by popular Brazilian artists, such like: Paulo Moura, Laercio de Freitas, Elomar, Heraldo do Monte, among others. Let’s see.

This is Arthur Moreira Lima – Com Licenca… (1981), for Kuarup, a piano solo album recorded at Sala Cecilia Meirelles, Rio de Janeiro. According with the back cover, there was no audience and Sala Cecilia Meirelles was used by the acoustics. I would like to post a video, but my searches for a single one had failured. It is disappointing, when I was young, it was common to watch Arthur Moreira Lima performances on Brazilian TV and seems that nobody recorded a single one. Arthur Moreira Lima said that a musician called Mestre Horondino Silva has an important participation at Subindo ao Ceu giving hints on how make the “baixaria” (bass lines). Horondino Silva is also known as Dino 7 Cordas, a great Brazilian musician that never had a chance of recording a solo LP.

Tracks include:

01 – Flor Amorosa (Joaquim Callado)
02 – La Brésilienne (Henrique Alves de Mesquita)
03 – Despertar da Montanha (Eduardo Souto)
04 – Fandangoso (Laércio de Freitas)
05 – Carinhoso (Pixinguinha)
06 – Gaúcho (Chiquinha Gonzaga)
07 – Mão Esquerda (Paulo Moura)
08 – Subindo ao Céu (Aristides Borges)
09 – O Cabo Pitanga (Laércio de Freitas)
10 – Seresta Sertaneza (Elomar)
11 – Chuva Morna (Heraldo do Monte)

2 Comentários originais:

Anonymous said…
Excellent post, please put up more choro/Brazilian classical/instrumental LPs.
Sunday, 21 October, 2007

Anonymous said…
“Ernest” Nazareth? O lôco. Parabéns pelo trabalho, amo seu blog! um abraço
Saturday, 27 June, 2009


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