sábado, 28 de julho de 2012

MPB-4 – De Palavra... em Palavra… (1971)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 08 de setembro 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

I don’t have info available on Loronixers feedback to MPB-4; perhaps we did not release many albums or made wrong choices. I hope this one corrects any gaps Loronix has with this really important Brazilian vocal group. Thanks to Marcia Webber for showing zecalouro the way to this album, for sure one of the best ones released by MPB-4. I spoke with Caetano about this album and he gave an enthusiastic feedback, which is something that Caetano only gives to the ones that really deserves.

This is MPB-4 – De Palavra… em Palavra… (1971), for Elenco. I’m only disappointed for not having additional information on this session that had Roberto Menescal playing the role of Production Director. The back cover also credits Magro as arranger, but it is not specific if he is also in charge of instrumental arrangements. The repertoire is beautiful, with songs that will keep inside your head after a first hearing.

Tracks include:


(voice, arrangements)




(*) Daniella Thompsom’s findings on personnel is available at comments section.
Thanks Daniella!

Track List

01 – De Palavra Em Palavra (Miltinho / Maurício Tapajós / Paulo César Pinheiro)
02 – Cravo e Canela (Milton Nascimento / Ronaldo Bastos)
03 – Recado (Sergio Mello / Dalton Medeiros)
04 – Mudei de Idéia (Antônio Carlos Marques / Jocafi)
05 – Pois É Pra Que (Sidney Miller)
06 – Eu Cheguei Lá (Dorival Caymmi)
07 – Minha História (Gesubambino) (Dalla / Pallotino / Vrs. Chico Buarque)
08 – Maria das Dores (Maurício Tapajós / Mauro Duarte)
09 – O Cafona (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sergio Valle)
10 – A Vila e a Vida (Silvio da Silva Júnior / Aldir Blanc)
11 – Valsinha (Chico Buarque / Vinicius de Moraes)
12 – Confirmação (Ruy Quaresma / Tarcisio Cardoso / Ailton Quaresma)

8 Comentários originais:

Anonymous said…
Nice, Zeca. I´ll check this out. Thanks a lot for posting. Greetz,
Saturday, 08 September, 2007

joaocozac said…
A nice lp.
Just to think…
Saturday, 08 September, 2007

zecalouro said…joaocozac,
Funny. The ultimate list of file sharing services.
Ok! Just tell me. What is your problem with Rapidshare?
Cheers, zeca
Saturday, 08 September, 2007

pawlyshyn said…I think the version of O Cafona is pretty cool. The original is a wah-wah-guitar-laced rocker, so I was wondering how they were going to handle it. But what would you say the musical style is? Sounds vaguely Caribbean, rather than Brasilian.
Saturday, 08 September, 2007

joaocozac said…
Nothing against rapidshare, but I waste about 2 hours between 2 different downloads and everybody likes to use it when upload their archives.
It’s not very good for free users.
Saturday, 08 September, 2007

Anonymous said…Hi Zeca,
wonderful recording and highly recommended.
Good quality, relaxing and timeless music.
By the way: I don’t have any problems with Rapidshare.
Greetings! Woody
Sunday, 09 September, 2007

Marcia Weber said…Maravilhoso, Zeca
Mil Beijos
Monday, 10 September, 2007

Daniella Thompson said…I posted the musicians’ list in rec.music.brazilian:http://tinyurl.com/7wr4qg
Wednesday, 07 January, 2009

300 Discos:
Pra quem não tem acesso a um leitor de News, aqui está o post da Daniella:

Daniella Thompson Post reply 1/7/09
It’s taken over a month to get the answer, because Aquiles forwarded
the question to Magro, who took his time listening to the album and
remembering who the musicians were. He’s still not absolutely sure
about all of them, so he sent his list to Miltinho, who hasn’t replied yet.
But Magro (who arranged all the vocals and instrumentals on the album
except for track 5, “Pois é, pra que?”), has sent me his provisional
list, which he’ll update should there be any errors.
Ashok is probably back to his rural India home and not reading this,
but for the record, these are the musicians in the MPB-4 album ‘De
Palavra em Palavra’ (1971):
Piano – José Roberto Bertrami
Bass in tracks 1 & 9 – Alexandre Malheiros
Drums in tracks 1 & 9 – Ivan Conti “Mamão”
7-string guitar – Dino Sete Cordas
6-string guitar in track 1 – Miltinho
12-string guitar – José Menezes
Electric guitar – José Menezes
Electric guitar in track 10 – Daudeth Azevedo “Neco”
Cavaquinho – Daudeth Azevedo “Neco”
Flute – Celso Woltzenlogel & Jorginho da Flauta
Not 100% certain, but most probable:
6-string guitar in all the other tracks – Daudeth Azevedo “Neco”
Bass in all the other tracks – Alexandre Malheiros
Drums in all the other tracks – Ivan Conti “Mamão”
“Pois é, pra que?” was arranged by Roberto Menescal.



Um comentário:

  1. Passando por aqui para curtir e prestigiar o blog do Martoni. O meu está no TopBlog2012, não deixe de ir lá votar. Abraços e um ótimo domingo!
