quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012

Filó Machado – Origens (1983)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 21 de agosto 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Hello, Good Evening! This is the perfect demonstration of Loronix community strengths. By working together, we can fulfill any kind of music desire.

It all happened at Quadradinho, when Carlos Braga mentioned this artist as a missing piece at Loronix. Since then, several friends worked together to make it happen. Marcelo Sambassonics Munhoz, take this album from his own – and fantastic – vinyl collection to Loronixers. Additionally, I started working with Marcello to assist him on making high quality scans and he learned very fast. In a matter of a week now I have three albums from this artist, pretty knew to Loronixers. Let’s see.

This is Filo Machado – Origens (1983), for Pointer, featuring the producer, composer, arranger, percussionist, singer and guitarist Filo Machado. I’m gathering the help given by Carlos Braga to describe better Filo Machado, he says Filo Machado started professionally in 1971 performing in nightclubs in Sao Paulo, recording his first album in 1977.

Carlos Braga says Filo Machado has more recognition outside of Brazil and is acclaimed by several Brazilian artists, such as Jane Duboc, Lea Freire, Antonio Adolfo, Egberto Gismonti, Ivan Lins, Djavan, Toninho Horta, among many others. Internationally, giants such like Michel Legrand, John McLaughlin, Natan East, Lee Ritenour, Toots Thielemans and others also acclaim Filo Machado. These are the credentials of Filo Machado, now it is time to check it out though this great contribution of Marcelo Munhoz. Personnel listing is endless. I think this time is better keep it inside the download package with the nice Marcelo Munhoz cover scans.

Tracks include:

01 – Quero Pouco Quero Muito (Filó / Judith de Souza)
02 – Entre Nós (Filó / Ana Terra)
03 – Minorias (Filó / Sergio Natureza)
04 – Vida Despetalada (Filó / Aldir Blanc)
05 – Terras de Minas (Filó / Judith de Souza)
06 – Não Houve Nada (Filó / Sergio Natureza)
07 – Baião Para o Sul (Ademir Cândido)
08 – Origens (Filó / Judith de Souza) with Djavan
09 – Blue Note (Filó / Fátima Guedes)
10 – Vale o Escrito (Filó / Aldir Blanc)
11 – Dom Bosco (Filó)

5 Comentários originais:

Beto Kessel said…
Conheco pessoalmente Filo Machado.Trata-se de um excelente compsitor e excelente musico.lamentavelmente nosso pais nao o conhece, mas isto algum dia ira mudar….
Tuesday, 21 August, 2007

pawlyshyn said…
Filó has put out some excellent albums. “Jazz de Senzala” is a really fine recent example. His website is
 http://www.filomachado.com.br/He also comes from a talented family. His brother Celso lives here in Canada, where he is a well-known guitarist with many albums to his credit. He’s an incredible performer. There are also three other musical brothers, and they sometimes get together to tour. Seehttp://www.celsomachado.com
Wednesday, 22 August, 2007

John said…
Fantastic album – why have I not heard of this great musician before?! Making it available is an act of compassion which I deeply appreciate. Thanks a mil!
Wednesday, 22 August, 2007

måns said…
Thanks Zeca! wonderful album indeed!
Thursday, 23 August, 2007

Good Groove said…
It’s always great to find one of my most seeked albums. Everyone who likes Milton Nascimento and late 70′s Djavan should get this. Many thanks, Zeca!
Thursday, 23 August, 2007


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