sábado, 14 de julho de 2012

Conjunto Vocal Farroupilha – Gaucho (1953)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 25 de agosto 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

The last challenge winner is Outrasbossas! He made it, Conjunto Vocal Farroupilha is that group and this album brings at the back cover that photo. By the way, he was a serious candidate to win that challenge. Outrasbossas is an expert on Brazilian music from the 50′s and even previous decades, his blog is a reference and you will find several wonders from that time. Do not miss http://outrasbossas.blogspot.com.

This is the second LP from the last set of 10-inch contributions and it is probably the one that I like most, featuring Conjunto Vocal Farroupilha and their first album, recorded in 1953. I could only identify Conjunto Vocal Farroupilha today, since the cover does not bring the main performer name, only the album title. Let’s see.

This is Conjunto Vocal Farroupilha – Gaucho (1953), for Radio, featuring arrangements by Aldo Taranto. Lead by Tasso Bangel, Conjunto Vocal Farroupilha started in 1948 at Radio Farroupilha, a radio station in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Later, they removed the Vocal from the group name and released more than 15 albums on a recording career that spanned three decades.

Tracks include:

01 – Balaio (Barbosa Lessa / Paixão Cortes)
02 – Tatú (Barbosa Lessa / Paixão Cortes)
03 – Negrinho do Pastoreio (Barbosa Lessa)
04 – Me Dá Um Mate (Barbosa Lessa)
05 – Chirimindé (Barbosa Lessa / Paixão Cortes)
06 – Amargo (A. Amábile / Lupicínio Rodrigues)
07 – Carreteiro (Barbosa Lessa)
08 – Rancheira da Carreirinha (Barbosa Lessa)

0 Comentários originais


Um comentário:

  1. Camerata Pampeana - sexteto instrumental idealizado pelo maestro Tasso Bangel -Porto Alegre/RS
