domingo, 24 de junho de 2012

Marisa – Marisa (1972) 7-inch EP

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 28 de julho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

It is cool to show singles and EPs to Loronixers. The format brings always the best picks of the artists and it is a good alternative for those who don’t want to face the long duration LP. In the other hand, there is no much to say about them, as short records, they are not conceptual. Anyway, let’s see the first out of series of singles and EPs scheduled for this week. I hope you like it; the feedback on Tamba was great.

This is Marisa – Marisa (1972), for Odeon as 7BD-1269 with four tracks. I could not check if all tracks were previously released or not on another format.

Tracks include:

01 – Viagem (João de Aquino / Paulo César Pinheiro)
02 – Depois De Tanto Amor (Paulinho da Viola)
03 – Estiada (Ivor Lancellotti / Marco Antônio Pinheiro)
04 – Samba do Estácio (Jair Amorim / César Costa Filho)

3 Comentários originais:

J Thyme…kind on Sunday, 29 July, 2007
More singles. 70′s.

Anonymous on Thursday, 27 September, 2007
Muito obrigado por disponibilizar esse trabalho. Entretanto, você poderia fazer o favor de “reupar” o outro da Marisa Gata Mansa, de 1972, cujo link, lamentavelmente já não está mais disponível?
Um grande abraço e obrigado por sua atenção, Miguel.

Anonymous on Friday, 09 May, 2008
“Viagem” is the same version as the title song from the album “Viagem”, but the other three songs are recorded exclusive for this 7-inch EP.
Highly recomended!
Milan Filipovic


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