domingo, 6 de maio de 2012

Zaccarias e Sua Secao de Palhetas - Palhetas Espetaculares (1962)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 24 de junho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

I'm only bringing this album to the spotlight due relevant information sent by an anonymous contributir today. Maestro Zacarrias = Zaccarias e Sua Secao de Pahetas | Palhetas Espetaculares (1962), was release in December 14, with no information on personnel listing. I'm bringing it to the spotlight due a relevant information sent by an anonymous friend that could gather personnel listing from "Parada de LPs", written by Silvio Tulio.

Silvio Tulio in May 03, 1962, wrote complete personnel listing on his article, which I'm making available bellow, updating the original post. Friends of Brazil-on-Guitar will be really excited discovering an unknown Baden Powell album as sideman. Thanks anonymous, I hope you come back to tell us how can you dig such old newspapers like this one.

This is the original post with personnel update. Do not miss original anonymous writing in comments section and download package with better cover artwork scans.


This record makes a nice explanation of the classification of musical instruments at back cover linear notes as families of musical instruments as they are organized in an orchestra. I will try to summarize to our friends.

Musical instruments are grouped into families based on how they make sounds. In an orchestra, musicians sit together in these family groupings. But this is not that simple, some instruments seem to be of a family and by the way sound is produced, they are categorized in another. For instance, I heard somewhere that sax and clarinets are from the same group of the acoustic guitar, since the concept is a wood that vibrates on both cases. In Brazil, this family is known as Familia das Palhetas.

Confusing... Anyway, this record is all about the Palhetas with sax and clarinets. This is Zaccarias e Sua Secao de Palhetas - Palhetas Espetaculares (1962), for RCA Victor, wonderful orchestra album, all about the Palhetas family. Zaccarias - by the way, a new Brazilian Maestro at Loronix - organizes his Secao de Palhetas as 5 saxophones and 4 clarinets, backed up by a rhythmic section as of bass, piano, drums, guitar and percussion. Another nice release that was kindly sent to zecalouro by our great friend Caetano Rodrigues. I invite you to check this wonderful album and share your comments with us. Tracks include:


Paulo Moura, Jose Sergio, Josino, Botelho
Jaime Araujo, Jorge Ferreira, Sandoval, Aurino, Joaquim Goncalves
Plinio Araujo
Fats Elpidio
Baden Powell
Luiz Marinho
Gilberto, Pedro and Barao
Track List

01 - Dizzy Fingers
02 - Amelia
03 - A Danca do Sabre
04 - Solucao
05 - Bye Bye Blues
06 - Fim de Parceria
07 - Lover
08 - Murmurio
09 - Sessao de Samba Nr. 1
10 - Holiday for Strings
11 - Sambalada do Coracao
12 - Boato

4 Reply to "Zaccarias e Sua Secao de Palhetas - Palhetas Espetaculares (1962)" bossanovadreamer on Friday, 15 December, 2006Caetano has albums "nobody" knows about. When I listen to this album I get feelings to take my own sax to play.Great.
Thanks a lot

Luiz on Friday, 15 December, 2006
Não devemos confundir as palhetas utilizadas para "ferir" as cordas de um violão ou guitarra com as palhetas de bambu que produzem os sons dos saxofones e clarinetes (além de outros instrumentos, como o oboé, por exemplo). Estas, colocadas nas boquilhas, vibram com a pressão dos lábios do executante, produzindo som que será amplificado pelo corpo do instrumento.
Grande abraço!

Anonymous on Sunday, 24 June, 2007
Zecalouro, aí vai uma pequena contribuição. É Silvio Tulio na sua coluna "Parada de Lps" no dia 03 de maio de 1962 que nos dá a informação técnica deste disco. Escreveu ele:
"Como o texto da contracapa é quase todo consumido por uma historia sobre palhetas, vamos informar aqui a formação do conjunto. Aliás, é inadmissivel que se continue a editar lps instrumentais em que os participantes sejam sistematicamente omitidos ou da etiqueta ou das notas da contracapa.
Clarinetes: Paulo Moura, José Sergio, Josino e Botelho; Saxofones: Jaime Araujo, Jorge Ferreira, Sandoval, Aurino e Joaquim Gonçalves; Bateria: Plinio Araujo; Piano: Fats Elpidio; Guitarra: Baden Powell; Contrabaixo: Luis Marinho; Percussão: Gilberto, Pedro e Barão

zecalouro on Sunday, 24 June, 2007Anônimo,
Espetacular contribuição. Merecedora de um repost desse album espetacular.
Abraços, e muito obrigado.


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