quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2012

O Grupo - O Grupo (1969)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em  02 de julho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Thanks Mr. G. for this obscure and widely unknown O Grupo album. Mr. G., is a Loronix collaborator since the very first beginning and he gave this album to us just before Caetano Rodrigues made available O Grupo debut LP by Odeon. By that time, I thought O Grupo had released only that first album and disappeared, but the legendary Mr. G. knows everything about Brazilian music. Thanks Mr. G.

This is O Grupo - O Grupo (1969), for Radio, the tiny Brazilian label that had the first LP presented yesterday. Mr. G. says this is a masterpiece. I agree, very beautiful, with modern arrangements and nice vocals performed by Roberval, Raimundo, Mauricio and Jayme Alem.

Tracks include:

01 - Eu Disse Adeus
02 - Mutante
03 - Sinhana
04 - Misty
05 - Beiras
06 - Quem Mandou
07 - Tres Horas da Manha
08 - Over The Rainbow
09 - Rosa De Fogo
10 - Alvorada

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