terça-feira, 29 de maio de 2012

Luiz Eca & Bill Evans - Ao Vivo no Chiko's Bar (1980) K7 Tape

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 17 de julho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Finally arrived. It is everything I was wondering to be. You don't need to clean your glasses or check if your monitor is having problems, what you read is what you will hear, Luiz Eca and Bill Evans performing together at Chiko's Bar, Rio de Janeiro, 1980.

This is Luiz Eça & Bill Evans - Ao Vivo no Chiko's Bar (1980), for Loronix. I never heard about Bill Evans in Brazil and I have to say many thanks to JustBeto for making his K-7 tape available and Luiz Harding for the excellent remastering to digital format. The tape features an hour of music, including the guest appearance of Leny Andrade, singing Wave and some other nice things, such as Luiz Eca and Bill Evans talking to each other and some Eca improvisations using the acute keys of the piano.

JustBeto said to do not separate tracks to provide the full experience, but I decided to split the concert in 14 tracks with the whole concert. Applauses, conversations and piano improvisations are in the end of each track and the splits did not left a second of music out. Anyway, thanks JustBeto and Luiz. Some tracks were identified by the parrot in charge of this website, but I decided to take no risks making available the 14 tracks with no names.

Tracks (titles as given in the comments):

1.Noelle's Theme
2. ?
3.Who can I turn to
4.Letter to Evan
7.Wave (Leny Andrade, Eca and Marc)
8.Hermeto Paschoal Theme (?)
9.Letter to Evan and ?
11.Bill's hit tune
13.Stella by starlight
14.E nada mais...

25 Reply to "Luiz Eca & Bill Evans - Ao Vivo no Chiko's Bar (1980) K7 Tape"

Joe on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

I've heard about this tape for years but never HEARD it. Many thanks to JustBeto and Zecalouco and all the engineers who worked hard to amke this happen.
Joe Carter

Joe on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

and also thanks to Luiz Harding, sorry.
Joe C.
PS - now there is another legendary tape I've heard about --- Lee Konitz with the Zimbo Trio. Perhaps this is in the vault somewhere????????????

zecalouro on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
Your desire is always taken as an order here. I will urge people for hunting Knonitz / Zimbo tape.
We cannot let you down, magnificence.
Your servant,

cvllos on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
Zeca, que close dos teclados! A capa ficou legal! Devo um agradecimento ao Beto, disponibilizando esse registro, e às habilidades do Luiz Harding no tratamento da fita. E à proposito..lembra, Zeca, que "la Vaughan" cá esteve e bateu altos papos com nossa magnifica Elizeth??? Pois é...Será que nao fizeram duetos????

Jim R on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

I'm looking forward to hearing this recording... but first I will have to find a way to stop laughing, thanks to zecalouro's response to His Eminence.

Anonymous on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
you're "the man"!

Hideste on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

Noooossssaaaa, Zeca, esse post é de arrepiar !! Há alguns anos, li no jornal que essa gravação seria lançada em cedê, mas virou lenda. Só o Loronix mesmo, cara que golaço !
Parabéns a vc, JustBeto e Luiz Harding. Nem sei mais o q dizer...

Matthew on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

I can't find this session in any of the online Bill Evans discographies. Does anyone have any more specific info with regard to its provenance, personnel, date(s), and song titles?
- Matthew

Cisalpino on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
Amazing post, with those legendary recordings we will see Loronix always on the top. Congratulations. Thanks...

Anonymous on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
The record of the year! The gift of the year! Amazing! Thanks forever! (JC)

Luiz Roberto on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

Dear Matthew,
Bill Evans has been in Rio in '73,'76 and '79..at this time he has been to Chiko's Bar to meet his friend Luiz Eca...for this specific date you can hear Marc Johnson on bass...and the songs are as follows...
1.Noelle's Theme
2. ?
3.Who can I turn to
4.Letter to Evan
7.Wave (Leny Andrade, Eca and Marc)
8.Hermeto Paschoal Theme (?)
9.Letter to Evan and ?
11.Bill's hit tune
13.Stella by starlight
14.E nada mais...

hope to have helped a little...
all the best, Luiz Roberto.

JustBeto on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
Actually, the song in track 6 is TTTT - Twelve Tone Type Tune, track 7 features Leny Andrade, Cidinho and Marc Johnson. Cidinho is also on track 8, Chorinho Pra Ele. On track 14, E Nada Mais is played by Luiz Eça and Cidinho, 4 hands piano. This tape as far as I know was never commercially released.

JustBeto on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
Very probably, the date of this jam session is 29Sep1979, Saturday, right after Bill's concert at Sala Cecilia Meirelles, where he played with Marc Jonhsos and Joe La Barbera.

eldo-pop on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

Caro Loronix.
Fantástica apresentação, com uma ótima qualidade técnica do som. Estas gravações absolutamente ao vivo são estupendas, pois capturam a interpretação com a emoção do momento. Nada de mixagem de estúdio "quebrando" o encanto do som.
Parabéns e obrigado.
P.S.: Quando tiveres um tempo, poderás me ouvir tocando violão e guitarra em http://eldo-pop.blogspot.com

Luiz Roberto on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007

Hi JustBeto,
in fact, track 6 is really "Five" and not "TTTT", Twelve Tone Tune Two...you can confirm that listening to track 6 at Chiko's Bar and track 5 ("Five") from Bill Evans CD "We wiil meet again"...if you own the Bill Evans CD "The Tokyo Concert", you will notice the track 6 ("TTTT") that is absolutely diverse from the song played at Chiko's Bar...
perhaps you can help, discovering the name of track 2, appearing as well as a following at track 9, after the song Letter to Evan...
thanks and best regards from Luiz Roberto.

JustBeto on Wednesday, 18 July, 2007
Thank you, Luiz Roberto, for your correction. I will try to find the name of track 2 song. Regards.

fent99 on Thursday, 19 July, 2007

Truly a gem never seen or heard of before
Related comment here

matthew on Thursday, 19 July, 2007

Thanks to all who replied so thoroughly to my questions. Great music!
- Matthew

ALTAMIRA on Thursday, 19 July, 2007

Anonymous on Saturday, 21 July, 2007Q disco é esse!
Coisa fina, finíssima!

frunobulax on Monday, 03 December, 2007

Houba Houba, it's the scream of Marsupilami (a french comics...)
Parabens !!!
I don't even know the existence of this concert, wonderful surprise...
I've discovered your blog the last weeks, i'm a big fan of musica brasileira and of Bill Evans, too.
Muito obrigado e grande abraços pra Loronix familia .
Patrick (frança)

Anonymous on Wednesday, 10 June, 2009
Respect to the unidentified theme after "Letter to Evan" - Bill Evans played some days before in Rosario, Argentina; he played this tune and it's been impossible to pin - Maybe he was experimenting with a new composition. Frasco.

Anonymous on Friday, 26 June, 2009

nardis33 on Tuesday, 11 August, 2009

Thank you very much!
I'm BE fan and collector and looking for new unknown recordings.
Enjoy the music.

Anonymous on Monday, 09 November, 200
Uaauuuuuu, é demais!!
thanks a TON and the biggest abraço for this rarity,


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