sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011

Silvio Cesar - Silvio Cesar (1983)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 30 de janeiro 2007.

When deciding the posts of the day, in the beginning of the night, or with Caetano Rodrigues after 8 PM (most cases), it is very important to keep in mind some pitfalls, you cannot post four instrumental albums on a single day, or two female singers together and many other different criteria you have to manage. This is the reason some friends get mad when I meant to do something and the outcome is completely different. Caetano is an example, we just finished a phone call with a plan and now I'm here - ten minutes later - showing something different to Loronixers. I hope you trust me on my selections.

This is Silvio Cesar - Silvio Cesar (1983), for Independente Musica, which is probably the record with the greatest personnel list ever at Loronix, featuring Geraldo Vespar, Sergio Carvalho, Wilson das Neves, Chico Batera, Rafael Rabello, Orlann Divo, Hermeto Pascoal and others. Full personnel listing is provided with the music. Special attention to the autograph on cover.

Tracks include:

01 - Cantar (Silvio César / José Roberto Bertrami)
02 - Companheiro (Silvio César / João Nogueira) with João Nogueira
03 - Passado e Futuro (Silvio César)
04 - Chorinho Pra Ele (Hermeto Pascoal / Silvio César) with Hermeto Pascoal
05 - E Agora (O Que Faço Pra Esquecer ) (Silvio César)
06 - Renascer (Silvio César)
07 - Se Você Fosse Um Homem (Silvio César) with MPB-4
08 - Loucura e Razão (Silvio César) with Jane Duboc e Grupo Aquarius
09 - A Mais Antiga Profissão (Silvio César)
10 - Primavera / Outono (Sergio Carvalho / Silvio César)

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