quarta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2011

Quarteto Lambari - Quarteto Lambari (1966)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 05 de janeiro 2007.

Comentários originais incluídos.

This post and the first of the day, by the sax player Domingos Pecci have a strong connection that I could realize together with Caetano Rodrigues and confirm later with some Internet research. Before we speak about this connection, I want to say that we have a very good LP by this obscure Bossa Jazz quartet that only a friend such like Caetano can provide to us. Thanks once again, Caetano, you will read zecalouro saying thanks several times during the next weeks.

Before listening to this album, I found interesting this beautiful name, Lambari, a Brazilian fish, a river in Minas Gerais and also the City of Lambari that is close to this river. Now I know that Lambari is the nickname Eduardo Pecci, top-notch sax player and son of Domingos Pecci, the kind of thing that you only realize when we pick together such as today.

Anyway, let's talk about the great music of Quarteto Lambari - Quarteto Lambari (1966), for Farroupilha, as I said, very nice instrumental set, led by Eduardo Pecci "Lambari" (sax alto) with Hilton J. Valente "Gogo" (piano), Roberto B. H. de Azevedo "capacete" (bass) and Hamilton Pitorri (drums). Eduardo Pecci is still making his life as a musician. I will search about the others later, all great musicians.

Tracks include:

01 - Sonho de Carnaval (Chico Buarque)
02 - Amanhã (Walter Santos / Tereza Souza)
03 - Razão de Viver (Eumir Deodato / Paulo Sergio Valle)
04 - Mar Amar (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sergio Valle)
05 - Ama (Roberto Menescal / Ronaldo Bôscoli)
06 - Samblues (Durval Ferreira)
07 - Tempo Feliz (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
08 - Estamos Aí (Durval Ferreira / Maurício Einhorn)
09 - Preciso Aprender a Ser Só (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sergio Valle)
10 - Miss Biquini (Sylvio Mazzuca / Zuleika Amaral)
11 - E Vem o Sol (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sergio Valle)
12 - Primavera (Carlos Lyra / Vinicius de Moraes)

6 Reply to "Quarteto Lambari - Quarteto Lambari (1966)"

bossanovadreamer on Friday, 05 January, 2007

Great album with great musicians-very fresh- what do you want more- gave to us from our great friend Caetano.It seems that Santa Claus is still on tour-
Thank you so much Caetano

joaobeltrao on Saturday, 06 January, 2007

Grande som !! Samba jazz de primeira de um grupo pouco conhecido (com nome de deliciosa agua mineral uma das unicas que ainda restam com gas natural, mas quase impossivel de achar aqui no Rio, só indo beber na fonte da pacata cidade). Grande surpresa !!!

Jim R on Saturday, 06 January, 2007

Wow... the nice Loronix surprises just keep coming and coming. I must admit that I have never heard of this quartet, nor any of the musicians involved, but I'm learning that it pays to look closely when I find things like this at Loronix. Eduardo Pecci has a very fine sound, and his phrasing is very natural... very musical. When they are played this well, I just can not get tired of hearing all of these familiar themes from the Bossa Nova era. It's very refreshing to hear them in the hands of different artists.
Many thanks, Zeca and Caetano.

Levy on Tuesday, 03 April, 2007

Excelente. Estilo do Som-4 (Hermeto, papudinho, azeitona e -esqueci - o baterista). Meus parabéns!

Norma Nacsa on Monday, 02 February, 2009

É um prazer ouvir o quarteto e pude ver a cara do Lambari quando coloquei a gravação e perguntei se ele gostava do saxofonista! Ficou emocionado e não sabia onde eu havia encontrado aquilo. Essa é a maravilha dos blogs. Aliás, parabéns, o seu é fantástico. Se quiser ver uma foto do Lamba de 1982 tocando no Gallery SP , visite normanacsa.wordpress.com também fiz um link com seu blog. até

Anonymous on Sunday, 01 March, 2009

O Gogo também continua na ativa, é professor no curso de música popular brasileira da UNICAMP e recentemente lançou o CD " O PIANO DE GOGO", disponível no site da Livraria Cultura ;-)

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