domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Durval Ferreira

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 17 de junho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos


O Loronix e amigos se reunem em uma grande corrente de pensamentos positivos pela memória de Durval Ferreira, guitarrista, um dos maiores compositores da Bossa Nova e um dos melhores músicos que o Brasil entregou ao mundo.

Durval Ferreira

26-01-1935 | 17-06-2007


15 Reply to "Durval Ferreira"

g picanco on Sunday, 17 June, 2007
Uma produção de qualidade que poucos podem mostrar.
Com todos os seus parceiros.

Marcelo Munhoz on Sunday, 17 June, 2007
Os gatos tem um Rei agora lá no céu! O céu tá mais felino, a gente mais triste.A tristeza passa com o tempo e a vida contida nas belas canções será eterna.
Descanse em paz!

Anonymous on Sunday, 17 June, 2007
Nós estamos tristes pela perda de nosso amigo Gato.
Luizinho Eça, Juarez e tantos outros estão preparando os instrumentos para receber este grande violão centro, com sua Batida Diferente.
Compositor, músico e um grande amigo.

bossanovadreamer on Sunday, 17 June, 2007
I am totally sad with tears inside to hear that Durval has left us.
He was a really great com,poser, guitrais and great friend with whom I had really nice moments during my 2 times in Rio- I will never forget this . To talk with Durval gave me so lot energy because he was full of positive lifeview.
I am sure he has now a great place in heaven.
Thank you for all !

Henrique Kurtz on Sunday, 17 June, 2007
Durval, descanse em paz.

Jim R on Monday, 18 June, 2007
I'm very sorry to hear this news. What a wonderful musician... and I think one whose name was never mentioned often enough when the greats of the Bossa Nova era were being talked about. The Os Gatos recordings are among the most beautiful and timeless examples that I've ever had the pleasure to hear. Rest in peace, Durval...

Green Eyed Lady on Monday, 18 June, 2007
Minhas homenagens a esse músico espetacular, que vai deixar saudades.
Que sua nova caminhada seja iluminada e bonita, como tudo o que ele nos deixou.

Cisalpino on Monday, 18 June, 2007
Essa é uma grande perda, suas composições foram extremamente marcantes, várias estão entre as minhas preferidas. Realmente é um dia triste. Obrigado Durval.

Hideste on Monday, 18 June, 2007
Fique com Deus, Durval.

Marcio de Souza on Monday, 18 June, 2007
Perfect post for today, Loro! It´s funny, some days ago I was taking a look at an old Brazilian Guitar Player edition and Durval was in there, the article talks about his brilliant carreer along names as Os Gatos and Lenny Andrade.
Durval, rest in peace. Muito obrigado por sua música.

Leo R.J. on Tuesday, 19 June, 2007
"....Até um dia , até talvez, até quem sabe..."
Gal e Donato via Leo R.J.

Carlos Cunha on Wednesday, 20 June, 2007
Mais um entre os grandes compositores brasileiros que se vai. Há aproximadamente um ano tive a oportunidade de assistí-lo ao vivo. Foi uma emoção inesquecível. Descance em paz.

A vida que me levou... on Monday, 03 December, 2007
Triste... muito triste...
Muitas lágrimas.
Que grande susto e dor...
Ontem mesmo cuidava do jardim e me deu uma vontade louca de ouvir pura bossa.
Sentir saudades do Rio é reencontrar você Durval! :(
No meio de tantos outros cd's estava lá Batida Diferente!
Me lembro como hoje aquela divertida tarde em Ipanema você e o violão se ACHANDO... sr cantarolava Moça-Flor, paqueirando minha amiga Teresa.
Você realmente e um sonhador...fantastico sonhador...
E riamos do chaveco!!! Sem nem ligar para NADA.
A última vez que ti vi foi Cecília Meireles p/ ver o Lyra. Feliz por te reencontra apois tanto tempo.
E agora tu está fazendo seu som... suas composições... junto as estrelas do céu.
Querido AMIGO...
Muito obrigado por nossa amizade e por ter me feito amar ainda mais a Bossa Nova.
Uma grande hora!
Beijos tardios... de que nunca te esquece.
Até lá!

A vida que me levou... on Monday, 03 December, 2007
Triste, muito triste...
Saudades do amigo e profissional. O cara mais bom de papo que aprendi a respeitar e adimirar.
Só depois de te conhecer é que a Bossa Nova se fez clara.
Lembro-me de você cantarolando Moça-Flor abraçado ao violão curtindo um fim de tarde de verão no melhor extilo!
Eu,você e a Teresa riamos e conversamos...
Aquela tarde o Garota de Ipanema tinha seu charme renovado.
Nem dá pra acreditar.
Valeu amigo Durval.
Saudades e até lá.

A vida que me levou... on Monday, 03 December, 200
7Nem dá pra acreditar.
Muito triste...
Obrigado por tudo amigo Durval.

Durval Ferreira Tribute (2007)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 17 de junho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

In this sad day for the music from Brazil, I did my best with Caetano and others very collaborative friends on making available a tribute to the passing of Durval Ferreira. We made a compilation with compositions and Durval Ferreira performing as musician using the two LPs recorded by Os Gatos, the first two Tamba Trios and also Sergio Mendes with Cannonball Ardley - Bossa Nova. Durval Ferreira passing caught us by surprise and I hope Loronix tribute can help to promote his memory around our community. A link to Amazon is available; you can directly help by purchasing the first and only Durval Ferreira solo album, Batida Diferente (2004).

This is Durval Ferreira Tribute.

Tracks include:

01 - Clouds - Cannonball Adderley & Bossa Rio
02 - Clichet - Os Gatos
03 - Joyce's Sambas - Cannonball Adderley & Bossa Rio
04 - Nuvens - Os Gatos
05 - Vento do Mar - Tamba Trio
06 - Sambidu - Os Gatos
07 - Sambops - Cannonball Adderley & Bossa Rio
08 - Batida Diferente - Cannonball Adderley & Bossa Rio
09 - Chuva - Os Gatos
10 - Moca Flor Tamba Trio
11 - Tristeza de Nos Dois - Tamba Trio
12 - Samba Novo - Tamba Trio
13 - Deixa Como Está - Tamba Trio
14 - Estamos Ai - Os Gatos
15 - Tudo Que É Preciso - Os Gatos
16 - Mania De Esnobismo - Tamba Trio
17 - Esperanca - Tamba Trio

2 Reply to "Special Post | Durval Ferreira Tribute"

Beto Kessel on Sunday, 17 June, 2007
Zeca e Caetano,
A coletanea sobre a obra de Durval Ferreira me lembrou de um dos albuns que despertaram meu interesse pelo Jazz, que foi o Cannonball Bossa Nova, onde o saxofonista norte americano tocou belissimos temas (muitos da dupla Durval Feereira e Mauricio Einhorn) junto com o Sexteto Bossa Rio (Durval na guitarra) pilotado pelo pianista Sergio Mendes...
Bela Homenagem

Green Eyed Lady on Monday, 18 June, 2007
Só mesmo vc e Caetano!
Belíssima homenagem!


sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

Walter Wanderley - Sucessos + Boleros = Walter Wanderley (1966)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 16 de junho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

This is the first out of a series of contributions from a real friend with a real name, Meia Beats, musician (piano), producer, living in Brazil South, city of Caxias do Sul. Meia Beats starts with a widely unknown Walter Wanderley LP released in Brazil by Philips. I have been hunting this album for months with no information about, never seeing this cover artwork also. Thanks for this really hard to find Walter Wanderley album. You can meet Meia Beats at his website, here.

This is Walter Wanderley - Sucessos + Boleros = Walter Wanderley (1966), for Philips. Perhaps this is the last Walter Wanderley release in Brazil before moving to US for releasing his first international album with Astrud Gilberto. Sucessos + Boleros = Walter Wanderley repeats the formula used at Walter Wanderley - Walter Wanderley e o Bolero (1962), for Odeon and it is one of the most dark and shady Walter Wanderley albums I have ever heard, an item for completionists, we are many.

Tracks include:

01 - Que C'est Triste Venise (Dorin / Charles Aznavour) Ma Vie (Alain Barrière)
02 - Oferenda (Jair Amorim / Evaldo Gouveia) Sentimental Demais (Jair Amorim / Evaldo Gouveia)
03 - Il Mondo (Fontana / Meccia / Pess)
04 - Amor Eterno (Édson Borges / Alfredo Borba) O Preço de Uma Vida (Erlon Chaves)
05 - Charade (Mercer / Henry Mancini) Just For Tonight (H. Carmichael / Mercer)
06 - Forget Domani (R. Ortolani / N. Newell)
07 - Red Roses For a Blue Lady (Tepper / Brodsky)
08 - Aquellos Ojos Verdes (N. Menendez) Maria Helena (Barcelata)
09 - Preciso Aprender a Ser Só (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sergio Valle) La Barca (Roberto Cantoral)
10 - Irremediablemente (Máximo Casanova)
11 - Flor de Lys (Agustin Lara) O Cigano (Marcelo Tupinambá / João do Sul)
12 - Tudo de Mim (Jair Amorim / Evaldo Gouveia) Maldito (Jair Amorim / Evaldo Gouveia)

2 Reply to "Walter Wanderley - Sucessos + Boleros = Walter Wanderley (1966)"

bossanovadreamer on Sunday, 17 June, 2007Hello Zeca,
that is great- I have this Lp but not in nice condition - so very nice to enjoy now the music-
A big thank to Meia-
Best wishes

Ariel on Thursday, 22 November, 2007
Oi Zeca, muito obrigado !!!
Eu no falo portugues, perdon ! solo español !
Estoy enormemente feliz de encontrar tu Blog ! Walter Wanderley es fantastico !!! aquí en México no he podido encontrar records de este impresionante músico !
Me gustaría coneguir toda la música de Walter, me es muy dificil bajarla de Internet, te agradeceré mucho que de alguna forma me pudieras ayudar a conseguir todos sus LPs.
Mi mail:
Muito Obrigado !!!
Brasil es Fantastico !


quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2012

Quarteto Excelsior - Coquetel Dancante Nr. 1 (1957)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em  13 de junho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

This is the first out of a series of really unique LPs, mainly Brazilian instrumental music from the late 50's and 60's. The source of this series comes from another donation to Loronix, made by someone that lives in Rio de Janeiro and this is the only thing I know about. It was just a matter of exchanging three or four emails to receive a box of twelve LPs dropped by someone at my building Lobby.

I decided to start with this one, recorded in 1957 - which is before Bossa Nova - and with a lot of Bossa Nova on it. This album confirms that Bossa Nova creation was a jointly work forged by several Brazilian artists, such as Quarteto Excelsior, a very well arranged and wonderfully played album with a cool male singing, very similar to that one we know as Bossa Nova way of singing.

This is Quarteto Excelsior - Coquetel Dancante Nr. 1 (1957), for RCA Victor. I will be straightforward, personnel listing is enough to explain this release, but I want to highlight Maestro Zaccarias, delivering solid clarinet solos and singing on a surprising and smooth voice for that time and Fats Elpidio, a legendary Brazilian pianist with a few albums already available at Loronix.

Tracks includes:


Maestro Zaccarias
(clarinet, voice)
Fats Elpidio
(drums, vocals)

Track List

01 - Baião do Lavrador (Valdrido Silva / Zaccarias)
02 - Abre a Janela (Roberto Roberti / Arlindo Marques Júnior)
03 - Lá no Norte (Gilvan Chaves)
04 - Tiradentes (Estanislau Silva / Penteado / Décio Carlos)
05 - Pau-de-arara (Luis Gonzaga / Guio de Morais)
06 - Batuque no Morro (Russo do Pandeiro / Sá Róris)
07 - The Very Thought Of You (R. Noble) Love Me Tender (Elvis Presley / V. Matsen) Anastasia (Paul Francis Webster / A. Newman)
08 - Petticoats Of Portugal (Durso / Mitabel) Angustia (Orlando de Brito) Esperame En El Cielo (Francisco Lopez Vidal "Paquito") Que Murmuren (R. Fuentes / R. Cardenas)
09 - You're Sensational (Cole Porter) I Love You Samantha (Cole Porter) True Love (Cole Porter)

3 Reply to "Quarteto Excelsior - Coquetel Dancante Nr. 1 (1957)"

 jbwalker on Monday, 10 September, 2007
What a thrilling and fulfilling album. The music is easy and flowing, the vocals smooth and beautiful. I find myself quite moved by some of the songs, especially the opening track. Thanks AGAIN. Any other Excelsior offerings? jw

zecalouro on Monday, 10 September, 2007Hello JbWalker,
How are you?
Thanks for your nice feedback. There is another Quarteto Excelsior album in the 10-inch format at Loronix, here is the link,
Please let me know if you need further assistance and good luck with the other Quarteto Excelsior album.
Cheers, zeca

E.Z. Listener on Thursday, 20 September, 2007
Great great LP! Thank you so much, zecalouro for doing what you do. I'm a big music fan and your blog is on my top list of websites.
Live long and prosper!!!!!


Voce é o Artista (1960)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em  12 de junho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos

Hello, Good Evening! Loronix is having a great traffic today, really above the average, I was wondering perhaps this is some kind of Valentine Day effect with boys and girls selecting music to spend the night today. Anyway, Mr. E. sent this great surprise to Loronixers, not specific to this event, a album recorded in 1960 that probably is the first karaoke record in history. I'm only guessing, I did not check this information. Let's see what Mr. E. sent to us.

This is Voce e o Artista (1960), for Philips. Six songs organize this record, an artist performs each song, they are, Vera Lucia, Carlos Lyra, Sonia Delfino, Lucio Alves, Sylvia Telles and Lais. Let's take Lucio Alves as example, Lucio performs Dindi, speaks some words before the song and sings, the following track is the same song and same accompaniment with no singing, Lucio's voice was not mixed. You should not miss this unique LP with performances recorded for the occasion. Aloysio de Oliveira is in charge and probably is the owner of the whole idea. Thanks Mr. E. for this piece. Tracks include:

The Performers

Vera Lucia
Carlos Lyra
Sonia Delfino
Lucio Alves
Sylvia Telles

Track List

01 - Toma Continha de Você (Dolores Duran / Édson Borges) - SONIA DELFINO
02 - Toma Continha de Você (Dolores Duran / Édson Borges)
03 - Chora Tua Tristeza (Luvercy Fiorini / Oscar Castro Neves) - CARLOS LYRA
04 - Chora Tua Tristeza (Luvercy Fiorini / Oscar Castro Neves)
05 - Patinho Feio (Oscar Castro Neves / Dolores Duran) - LAIS
06 - Patinho Feio (Oscar Castro Neves / Dolores Duran)
07 - Leva-me Contigo (Dolores Duran) - VERA LUCIA
08 - Leva-me Contigo (Dolores Duran)
09 - Dindi (Tom Jobim / Aloysio de Oliveira) - LUCIO ALVES
10 - Dindi (Tom Jobim / Aloysio de Oliveira)
11 - Samba de Uma Nota Só (Tom Jobim / Newton Mendonça) - SYLVIA TELLES
12 - Samba de Uma Nota Só (Tom Jobim / Newton Mendonça)

1 Reply to "Varios Artistas - Voce e o Artista (1960)" Marcio de Souza on Thursday, 14 June, 2007Além do barato de ter as faixas no modo karaokê, é muito legal ouvir como é a voz do Lúcio Alves, da Sylvia Telles, entre outros, falando no começo de cada faixa.


segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2012

Hermeto Pascoal e Grupo – Le Petit Journal, Montparnasse, Paris (1990)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 09 de junho 2007.
0 Comentários originais incluídos.

Here we go on the continuation of a very old idea of showing Loronixers live Hermeto Pascoal performances, which are the ones that Hermeto Pascoal really shines, improvises and makes reharmonization of themes he played on official CDs and LPs. By the way, Hermeto Pascoal used to urge the audiences to record his live performances and spread the tapes, in an attempt to overcome the indifference of recording companies to his music.Hermeto send green lights to promote his live performances, Loronix and this green board is very proud of doing it.
This is Hermeto Pascoal e Grupo – Le Petit Journal, Montparnasse, Paris (1990). Little is known about this concert, except we have CD quality audio and 94 minutes of music, with Hermeto playing piano, sax, percussion and synthesizers, accompanied by O Grupo on nine tracks, some of them not identified. I hope you enjoy this Hermeto Pascoal concert, one of the great Brazilian music ambassadors.

Tracks include:

Hermeto Pascoal
(piano, sax, percussion, synthesizers)
Jovino Santos Neto
Elisio Costa
Jose Carlos Araujo
(sax tenor)
Itibere Zwarg
(bass, tuba)
Marcio Bahia
Jeff Gardner
(piano – Autumn Leaves)

Track List

01 – Para Miles Davis
02 – Piano – Viva o Rio de Janeiro
03 – Piano
04 – Piano – ???
05 – Piano
06 – Quiabo
07 – Pisando na Areia Branca
08 – unknow
09 – Autumn Leaves

This is Hermeto Pascoal e Grupo – Le Petit Journal, Montparnasse, Paris (1990), at Loronix. Hope uEnjoy!


sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012

Lamartine Babo e Varios Artistas - As Mais Famosas Versoes (1960)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 08 de junho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Hello, Good Evening! I was missing Copacabana label albums at Loronix, perhaps I got some addiction to them, last week we had a least one album by the powerful Copacabana, one of the greatest Brazilian labels from the 50's to 60's that unfortunately did not kept the good pace in the 70's. In spite of the constellation of renowned artists on the cast, Copacabana also released very creative compilations, celebration albums and tributes, exactly what we have here, an album blending various artists singing Brazilian versions of an international repertoire.

This is Lamartine Babo e Varios Artistas - As Mais Famosas Versoes (1960), for Copacabana, delivering another awesome cover artwork with this album directed by Lamartine Babo. I took a time to decide selecting Lamartine Babo as the main performer, but he performs a song, Tres Palavrinhas (Three Little Words) and is in charge of everything. Three Maestros were selected to make orchestra arrangements, Maestro Pachequinho, Guarana and Renato de Oliveira. The performances were not taken from others albums; all tracks were recorded for this LP. Performers are summarized bellow, just before tracks.

Tracks includes:

The Performers

Coro Misto de Joab Teixeira
Dolores Barrios
Jairo Aguiar
Roberto Audi
Antonio Martins
Lamartine Babo
Roberto Silva
Gilberto Alves

Track List

01 - Tarde Demais (Too Late) (S. M. Lewis / V. Young / Vrs. A. Ribeiro) Apenas Um (You-re Driving Me Crazy What Did I Do) (W. Donaldson / Vrs. Lamartine Babo) - Coro Misto de Joab Teixeira
02 - Fumando Espero (J. Viladennat / A. J. Gaya / Vrs. Correia da Silva) - Dolores Barrios
03 - O Amor É Sempre o Amor (As Time Goes By) (H. Hupfeld / Vrs. Jair Amorim) - Jairo Aguiar
04 - Dançando Com Lágrimas nos Olhos (Dancing With Tears In My Eyes) (J. Burke / A. Dubin / Vrs. Lamartine Babo) - Roberto Audi
05 - Pato (R. Collazo / A. Perroti / Vrs. Lamartine Babo) - Antônio Martins
06 - Três Palavrinhas (Three Little Words) (B. Kalmar / H. Ruby / Vrs. Lamartine Babo) - Lamartine Babo / Coro
07 - Night And Day (Noite e Dia) (Cole Porter / Vrs. Lamartine Babo) - Roberto Audi
08 - Noite de Reis (Noche de Reyes) (Pedro Maffia / Jorge Curi / Vrs. Virgínia Amorim) - Dolores Barrios
09 - Aqueles Olhos Verdes (Aquellos Ojos Verdes) (N. Menendez / A. Utrera / Vrs. João de Barro) - Jairo Aguiar
10 - Valsa das Sombras (Shadow Waltz) (H. Warren / A. Dubin / Vrs. Osvaldo Santiago) - Roberto Silva
11 - Padre Nosso (Padre Nuestro) (E. Delfino / A. Vaccarezza / Vrs. Lamartine Babo) - Antônio Martins
12 - Por Favor (Please) (R. Rainger / L. Robin / Vrs. Osvaldo Santiago) - Gilberto Alves

1 Reply to "Lamartine Babo e Varios Artistas - As Mais Famosas Versoes (1960)"

Dennys on Friday, 08 June, 2007Você não surpreende mais, com essas raridades, mas emociona cada vez mais, com a qualidade e o repertório que embalou nossa juventude.
Um abraço
Com uma flor em cada mão e muito amor no coração
Dennys Petrucci


quinta-feira, 12 de abril de 2012

Bossa Nova Meets USA - Compilation by Caetano Rodrigues

Originalmente postado no Loronix em  01 de junho 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

The United States have the second position at Loronix visitors ranking, which is not a surprise, the US have the largest music market in the world and country affairs with Bossa Nova started since the beginning, being both influenced by each other. More country info at this post closing, let's talk about the music.

Blogger has been down in the last hour and I could not brief with Caetano, but I want to say that what is being delivered here for the US do not have any parallel within the industry. Our International tribute makes me understand that Caetano is also mastery on building compilations. I though compilations were just a matter of setting up a bunch of tracks together on any given order. I was wrong. Compilations are all about making fine selections and align them on a manner that you make a kind of curve with ups and downs using different situations to delivery a solid listening experience as a whole.

This is Bossa Nova Meets USA - Compilation by Caetano Rodrigues. Breathtaking panorama of Brazilian music renditions performed by best of breed American artists. You should take it and file as unique. Nineteen tracks and 80 minutes of listening pleasure. I will highlight some situations.

Caetano selection starts with Oscar Peterson Trio - Triste, worth the compilation alone, there are several different situations inside the song, sometimes they "Jazz away" and you realize how they will be back to Triste.

The third track features Nat King Cole performing Garota de Ipanema, a unique interpretation, recorded just a few months before Nat King Cole's passing.

I could make others picks but, I will jump to the last track Desafinado, by The Hi-Lo's, wise close of Caetano that makes you feel with that feeling of "I want to hear it again!".

Tracks include:


Oscar Peterson Trio

Coleman Hawkings
Nat King Cole

The Ritz
Jim Tomlinson
Joe Pass

Rosemary Clooney & John Pizarelli
Laura Fygi
Tonny Bennett
Bobby Hackett & Billy Butterfield

Ella Fritzgerald
Stacey Kent
Larry Vuckovicy
Frank Sinatra
Super Sax & L.A. Voices
Carmem McRae
Monty Alexander
Julie London

The Hi-Lo's

Track List

01 - Triste - Oscar Peterson Trio
02 - Um Abraco no Bonfa - Coleman Hawkings
03 - Garota de Ipanema - Nat King Cole
04 - Meditacao - The Ritz
05 - Ela e Carioca - Jim Tomlinson
06 - Voce - Joe Pass
07 - Samba de uma Nota So - Rosemary Clooney & John Pizarelli
08 - Insensatez - Laura Fygi
09 - Samba do Aviao - Tonny Bennett
10 - Corcovado - Bobby Hackett & Billy Butterfield
11 - So Tinha que Ser com Voce - Ella Fritzgerald
12 - The Gentle Rain - Stacey Kent
13 - Rio - Larry Vuckovicy
14 - Wave - Frank Sinatra
15 - Bossa No No - Super Sax & L.A. Voices
16 - Flor de Liz - Carmem McRae
17 - Amor em Paz - Monty Alexander Trio
18 - Desafinado - Julie London
19 - Chega de Saudade - The Hi-Lo's

It was very hard to find an image to represent the United States, I tried several different approaches with buildings and nature, skylines, panorama, beaches and none could meet my expectations for USA. So I decided to dig my personal photo collection taken with my digital camera in US and I found this picture with homage to John Lennon taken in front of Dakota Building, Central Park, New York.

There is something special with this image; it was taken at my first day in New York and the exact day when people were celebration 20 years of John Lennon's passing. I did not realize that and it was a very special moment for me. My apologies on putting this picture using personal matter as criterion, but it represents a special day for me, a day that zecalouro spent a great time in the United States.

It is not a surprise the second position taken by the United States last year. The US is the major music market in the world, Brazil is the second one and both countries were musically connected since Bossa Nova has emerged.

Let's go thought the numbers and since my web statistics software makes regional analysis it is interesting to inform Loronixers that all 50 US regions reached Loronix last year, California took the lead with 23% of visitors, followed by New York with 13%, Illinois 5% and Texas 4%. There are Loronixers on 1,335 US cities with New York concentrating most visits with 10%, followed by Los Angeles 8%, San Francisco 5%, Irvine 4% and Chicaco with 3%.

Thanks very much Loronixers from the US, you are on each US States and 1,335 cities and this is truly awesome from zecalouro perspective.

Thanks, zeca

5 Reply to "Bossa Nova Meets USA - Compilation by Caetano Rodrigues"

pawlyshyn on Friday, 01 June, 2007
Actually, Oscar Peterson is Canadian. He was born in Montreal and lives in Mississauga, a suburb of Toronto. We Canadians are very prickly about these matters.

Jim R on Friday, 01 June, 2007
Thanks for the nice compilation, guys. Some of these tracks I have not yet heard, so I'm looking forward to it.
I noticed quite a few typos... misspelled artists' names, so I'll try to help. I'll just edit the whole list and paste it in, and if you want to zeca, you can just copy and paste my edited list into Loronix...

01 - Triste - Oscar Peterson Trio
02 - Um Abraço no Bonfa - Coleman Hawkins
03 - Garota de Ipanema - Nat King Cole
04 - Meditaçao - The Ritz
05 - Ela e Carioca - Jim Tomlinson
06 - Voce - Joe Pass
07 - Samba de uma Nota So - Rosemary Clooney & John Pizzarelli
08 - Insensatez - Laura Fygi
09 - Samba do Aviao - Tony Bennett
10 - Corcovado - Bobby Hackett & Billy Butterfield
11 - So Tinha que Ser com Voce - Ella Fitzgerald
12 - The Gentle Rain - Stacey Kent
13 - Rio - Larry Vuckovich
14 - Wave - Frank Sinatra
15 - Bossa No No - Super Sax & L.A. Voices
16 - Flor de Liz - Carmen McRae
17 - Amor em Paz - Monty Alexander Trio
18 - Desafinado - Julie London
19 - Chega de Saudade - The Hi-Lo's

the jazzman on Friday, 01 June, 2007
Nice compilation. I would have picked Oscar Peterson's version of "Wave" as I think it is far more impressive than his "Triste". OP's version followed by Sinatra's version would have been awesome.
By the way, at 80:49 all the tracks will not fit on one CD.

bossanovadreamer on Friday, 01 June, 2007
Grande Caeeetano !!!
I am sitting here with big eyes and totally wondering.
Is there really no thing outside Brazil bossa project/album you don't know by name ?? I told you about that I make here some special things for you but now I see that you really know everyrhing which includes words Bossa also the scene even outside from Brazil-
so I see here Jim Tomlinson , the told small child of Stan Getz -great Saxo player- , which I thought he is more unknown outside of Europe and I thought to prepare for you.
You are really great Caetano- You know everything about Bossa Nova even things happened here very quiet in Europe.
No name can surprise you.I like you very much for this
Thanks for all!!

Mário César on Friday, 08 June, 2007
I really want to thank you sooo much for these spectacular moments of pleasure given to us,by selecting some of the best Bossa Nova songs we´ve ever heard in years !!!!
I´ve took all five,and did a MP3 compilation that insists playing all over and over again in my car,my home player,even in my PC here at work...
Congratulations for the extreme refinement,feeling and good taste for rare brazilian tracks,you are the BEST !!!!!



Uwe Buschkotter and His Party Players - If I Were a Rich Bossa Nova Man (1967)


Originalmente postado no Loronix em 31 de maio 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Several surprises are scheduled for Germany, country number three on Music from All Countries at Loronix. I never could imagine Germany delivering worldwide third place in terms of participation, but this is something that I want to detail on country closing information. Let's start with Caetano's selected pick for Germany, an album included on his Bossa Nova book that I'm having the chance to know for the first time with our tribute.

This is Uwe Buschkotter and His Party Players - If I Were a Rich Bossa Nova Man (1967), Decca Germany. This is a really unusual album, starting with this psycho cover artwork. Little is known about Uwe Buschkotter that delivers with His Partyplayers a blending of Bossa Nova with what is used to be referenced as "latin music" with a diverse repertoire mixing Brazilian music, The Beatles, among other ones that I could not identify.

Tracks include:

01 - If I Were a Rich Man
02 - Soul Man
03 - Bambarina
04 - Lady Madonna
05 - Summer Samba
06 - The Fool on the Hill
07 - Sunny
08 - Guantanamera
09 - Carpenter's Dream
10 - The Shadow of your Smile
11 - The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde
12 - Sansibar

1 Reply to "Uwe Buschkotter and His Party Players - If I Were a Rich Bossa Nova Man (1967) | Germany"

Anonymous on Friday, 01 June, 2007
Dear Friends, this is Jörn from Germany, a long-time Loronix-friend. I will help with some Information about Uwe Buschkötter: He is one of Germany´s most famous composer for Commercial and TV-Jingles, for example: "Sinalco", "Maggi" or the title music of the action series "Bella Block". He also made a lot Score- und Library-Music. In 1972 he wrote music for the Olympic Games in Munich. You can find his website here:
This is a photo of Uwe:
This is what I could find about him in the Internet. Hope it was some help for Loronix.
See ya.


Klaus Doldinger Quartett - Bossa Nova (1962)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 31 de maio 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

It was really nice of bossanovadreamer to send this album timely, as soon as our celebration was announced. bossanovadreamer lives in Germany and made this nice pick with another Loronixer from Germany, Mr. H.

This is Klaus Doldinger Quartett - Bossa Nova (1962), for Philips (EP). Klaus Doldinger is a very active musician in Germany; he is the composer of the main melody of one of German's most famous crime series ever. Tatort, a cult series on Sunday evenings in German's first program, being also the leader of the jazzfusion group Passport, active since the 70's. Klaus Doldinger is very influenced by the music from Brazil; his last album was titled Klaus Doldinger - Back to Brazil (2003). Thanks a million bossanovadreamer and Mr. H. for this fantastic piece of music.

Tracks include:


Klaus Doldinger
(sax tenor)
Ingfried Hoffman
Helmut Kandlberger
Klaus Weiss

Track List

01 - Recado Bossa Nova (Djalma Ferreira / Antonio DeCosta)
02 - Copacabana (Joao De Barro/ Alberto Ribeiro De Vinha )
03 - Chega de saudade (Antonio Carlos Jobim /Vinicius de Moraes)

3 Reply to "Klaus Doldinger Quartett - Bossa Nova (1962) EP | Germany"

John Lester on Friday, 01 June, 2007Obrigado por mais um excelente álbum.
Grande abraço, JL.

Anonymous on Tuesday, 07 August, 2007Fantastico vou ter q' conseguir este disco. Ah o Claus ér tambem o compositor da Trilha sonora de um dos filmes mais reconhecidos da Alemanha o "Das Boot" .
Um abraço desde Alemanha.

Edgar on Tuesday, 05 August, 2008Bela versao de chega de saudade!


Caterina Valente & Luiz Bonfa - Caterina Valente & Luiz Bonfa (1963)


Originalmente postado no Loronix em 31 de maio 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

We should thank the Loronix friend Stefan from Germany. He was responsible for calling my attention to this album, recorded in Germany, Hamburg. Caterina Valente is the lady that introduces Luiz Bonfa on last video. She was born in France and then moved to Germany where she started his professional career in 1953. Caterina Valente sings in six languages, including Portuguese, which is the language he sings on this marvelous album.

This is Caterina Valente & Luiz Bonfa - Caterina Valente & Luiz Bonfa (1963), for Decca Germany. This album was recorded in two days, January 23rd and 25th, featuring all compositions by Luiz Bonfa. Selected tracks were issued on several formats by Decca, including 45RPM, singles and EPs. The cover artworks of these editions are really worth to be seen, you can check all them together at Luiz Bonfa discography by Yasouka,

Tracks include:

01 - Mania de Maria (Luis Bonfá / Maria Helena Toledo)
02 - Sorrindo (Luis Bonfá / Maria Helena Toledo)

03 - Se Eu Pudesse Voltar (Luis Bonfá / Maria Helena Toledo)
04 - Vem Só (Luis Bonfá)
05 - Indiferença (Luis Bonfá / Maria Helena Toledo)
06 - Melancolia (Luis Bonfá / Maria Helena Toledo)
07 - Menina Flor (Luis Bonfá / Maria Helena Toledo)
08 - Reverso (Luis Bonfá / Maria Helena Toledo)
09 - Saudade Vem Correndo (Luis Bonfá / Maria Helena Toledo)
10 - Cantiga da Vida (Luis Bonfá / Maria Helena Toledo)
11 - Teu Olhar Triste (Luis Bonfá)
12 - Samba de Duas Notas (Luis Bonfá)


Before starting Loronix, I never realize how great is German passion for the music from Brazil. The evidences are clear, Baden Powell has a great popularity in German, helping on leveraging the interest for Brazilian music as a whole. Brazil-on-Guitar is another fantastic demonstration of dedication Germans have for Brazilian music. I could make several new friends Loronix friends on Germany, something that could only be accomplished with Loronix.

Loronixers from Germany, our country number 3, came last year from 136 different cities. Berlin takes the lead with 16% of visits, followed by Frankfurt 9% and Cologne with 7%, showing a low concentration on major cities. Germany is tuned as a whole at Loronix. It was also really difficult to select Germany picture and I took a decision based on a calm landscape showing mountains. Thanks a lot for the last year, Loronixers from Germany. You got the podium, third position.

Thanks, zecalouro


7 Reply to "Caterina Valente & Luiz Bonfa - Caterina Valente & Luiz Bonfa (1963) | Germany"

Anonymous on Friday, 01 June, 2007Hi guys!! Caterina Valente was italian, not french but... many thanks to my dear friend Stefan for this LP!! Luca Toni

d on Friday, 01 June, 2007
berlin represents!

jack on Friday, 01 June, 2007Ah, Caterina....... [grand soupir]
Thanks, Loronix, for identifying the beautiful woman who introduced Bonfa in the video clip.
Thanks also, for the link to those other Caterina Valente album covers. Apparently, she was one of those lovely women who actually looked lovelier with a short haircut (at least, IMHO).
The Clairol Flip was definitely not a good look for her, though. In that respect, Caterina was like Lesley Gore, another
lovely young lady who was saddled--literally--with a terrible look.

bossanovadreamer on Friday, 01 June, 2007
I am very happy to see this album here , which is one of my Bossa Top 20 albums since I bought the LP.
So it is a more pleasure to know now that it was recorderd here in Germany-Really the best pick for homage our country.
This was always the thing I wondered about when i looked to my Brazilian LP release by London/Odeon.
thanks to all German friends - wow !!we on No 3 for top visitors.
I hope our friends also enjoy the Klaus Doldinger EP.
Best wishes

Anonymous on Saturday, 02 June, 2007For those who doesn't know, here in Brazil there's a singer who was deeply influenced by Caterina Valente. Her name is Lana Bittencourt. She recorded many tunes made famous by Miss Valente in the 1950 and 1960's. Here at Loronix we can check Lana's version for 'Oho-aha', one of Caterina hits. The song is available at the album 'Musicalscope'.
Talking about Mrs.Bittencourt, she has just shooted her part on a very important TV series called 'Ensaio', for Cultura TV(São Paulo). Everybody will know that the singer still performs her art beautifully, though she hasn't recorded an album since 1998. The program will be brodcasted very soon.
All the best for Loronix.

Mr. D&C on Monday, 04 June, 2007Best wishes from Berlin to all Loronixers.
The germans need the sunny vibes from Brazil because we miss the sun and the warm temperatures you have over there. But thanks to the global-warming it becomes better and better.
And never forget the landmark album from Germany "Folklore E Bossa Nova Do Brasil" on MPS (already listed here)!!!

Ronaldo on Sunday, 25 January, 2009
Muchas gracias por el disco de Caterina..............
Vaya recuerdos.....Abrazo y obrigado!!Ronaldo


Sadao Watanabe - Fly me to the Moon (1967)

Originalmente postado no Loronix em 31 de maio 2007.
Comentários originais incluídos.

Hello, Good Evening! I had to keep Loronix engineers out of my computer; they stopped working to see Luiz Bonfa video. It is amazing how hard is to find Luiz Bonfa videos. Welcome back to Music from All Countries. I think that video was recorded in Japan, which is the country number 4 on visitors sent to Loronix last year.

You saw the cover artwork and you known that Sadao Watanabe was seleced by Caetano Rodrigues on our homage to Loronixers from Japan. Perhaps Sadao Watanabe is the Japanese artist most connected with the music from Brazil, we have several albums with Sadao Watanabe as sideman and also as main performer.

This is Sadao Watanabe - Fly me to the Moon (1967), for RGE. Caetano makes his best selecting a wonderful Sadao Watanabe album, it is a hundred percent Bossa Nova, solid from the start to the end with the repertoire listing twelve Bossa Nova classics, performed by Japanese musicians. The cover artwork is also all about Brazil. Where does that beautiful lady is looking for? Tracks include:


Sadao Watanabe
(sax, flute)
Sadanori Nakamure
Masabumi Kikuchi
Isao Suzuki
Msahiko Togashi
Hideo Miyata

Track List

01 - The Girl from Ipanema
02 - Meditation
03 - Black Orpheus
04 - O Grande Amor
05 - Bonita
06 - Dindi
07 - Mas que Nada
08 - The Shadow of your Smile
09 - Fly me to the Moon
10 - A Man and a Woman
11 - So Danco Samba
12 - She is Carioca

The Japanese image was so far the hardest to decide. The options were many showing Tokyo skycrapes, subway, people working, anyway, Japan is a legendary place, my mothers always says that his dream is to fly to Japan. I hope I can make her dream come true one day.

Japan participation was awesome and I think there is plenty space for growth next year. Tokyo delivered 34% of visits, followed by Chiyoda (10%), Shinjuku (9%) and Osaka (6%). I'm surprised with the number of cities with Japanese Loronixers, 155 cities visited Loronix last year. Just a special mention to a friend from Japan, Jazz-Nekko from Okinawa, a truly knowledgeable Loronixer that knows everything about Jazz and Brazilian music.

Thanks, zecalouro

2 Reply to "Sadao Watanabe - Fly me to the Moon (1967) | Japan"

bossanovadreamer on Friday, 01 June, 2007Really beautiful pick -
it is funny I just bought this album in different cover as Japan paper sleeve some weeks ago.
I love all this Watanabe Bossa albums- I just miss his albums "Girl from Ipanema" and Samba 67...
very good pick Caetano...
Best wishes

Jazz-Nekko on Monday, 04 June, 2007
many thanks for this share. it is special to know, but not surprising, that japan ranked pretty high up there in your wonderful site's visitors.
may the coming years be as successful as this past has been and may your health, wisdom and humour provide you strength to carry on in such grand fashion!
10 other okinawans? where are they, i wonder? hmmm...also not too surprising as we share a tropical cimate not so different from parts of brasil and with the weather - goes music, food, drink and temperament of the women ;-)
be well, my friend,
